Yesterday morning, when I returned home after dropping off Ev and Josh from school, I told a friend about my fondness for reading web logs. Actually, it has become somewhat of an addiction, but I didn’t want to sound as fanatical as I have become. I foolishly told my friend that one aspect of what I enjoy is reading all the poop, vomit and other bodily functions stories that the new moms post, since I am beyond that, and can laugh knowing my past experiences, I have the perspective of one who is past all that. You know I was just setting myself up, right? I mean a girl CANNOT get that smug with out a big slap in the face wake up call, can she? Well, this girl can’t.
So, my day begins. Matt has breakfast, and we do some required learning for the day. Then I tell him that since he has been so cooperative and helpful the past two days while I attended to all sorts of PTA matters that he could ask to do anything reasonable. He made a list. Nothing on his list was unreasonable, it was just all of his little ordinary favorite things rolled up into one day. The list went like this after the mandatory- learn something.
1. Starbucks for a soy latte
2. Blockbuster for some fresh dvd rentals
3. pick up Josh
4. lunch at sandwich shop
5. go to comics/gaming store
6. pick up Ev
7. have friend over
8. breakfast for dinner (pancakes)
9. watch movie
(You have probably already guessed that I added the two pick up the brother entries) We went off to begin the list and everything started off smooth as can be. Hahaha, just the thing to catch me off guard. On our way to the sandwich shop Matt had the great idea of getting the food from the sandwich shop “to go” and having a picnic for lunch. Luckily there is a nice little picnic area across the street from the gaming store that happens to be conveniently located in the same building as my newspaper office. I love to multitask, and on the way over I phoned my editor to ask her if she would like to join us on our picnic. She said she would stop by.
Josh had requested only chocolate milk, from the sanwich shop, since he had just eaten pizza at a last day of preschool party. I was not as concerned as I would normally be at his lack of appetite, due to the pizza factor. We set up our picnic, and Josh quickly drank the entire and somewhat large chocolate milk. My editor showed up and we were chatting, when Josh began to choke on a potato chip. He coughed and coughed until, you guessed it, 16 ounces of fairly fresh chocolate milk came spewing from his mouth. Fortunately he looked down at the time, and managed to only spew on his own right sandal and foot. Being the optimist I am, I looked up during the process and declared “At least it’s fresh!” Yeah....
I sent Matt into the gaming store by himself, not wanting to chance another vomiting episode on the gaming store carpet.
I carried all 60 pounds of Josh and the milky shoe back to Sylvia (the truck), and on the way managed to somehow rub the scab off a previously blistered bug bite. The blood was just dripping down his arm, I settled him in his car seat and with my editor minding him I ran into the office to find the first aid kit. It was not our best picnic.
We headed home, briefly stopping at the drug store to stock up on band aids, a spring time ritual in my house that I had not yet completed this spring. I also grabbed a Chewbaca pez dispenser to help Josh along with the healing process.
We got Evan from school, got bacon to go with the pancakes from Whole Foods, Matt’s friend arrived and all seemed like it was perhaps on the right track. We had breakfast for dinner, and then after pancakes the kids went back outside to play. Evan suddenly ran through the house to the bathroom. Hmmm.... He was in there for a while, when the odor hit Rich and he let me know that Evan just might be in a spot of trouble. Oh, did I say spot? As in little spots of poo that fell out Evan's shorts as he ran from the door to the bathroom. Eventually we heard Evan trying to use the plunger, another sure disaster, so I asked him to go up stairs to take a shower and let me handle the toilet.
First we got a glimpse of Evan as headed up to the shower. His legs were covered with poo. More spots on the carpet on the way to the shower. Then, gasp, I went into the bathroom. Between the sight and the odor I almost went down. There was poo everywhere. The murky paper/poo water was a millimeter from the top of the bowl. Evan had splashed it all over the wall trying to plunge the toilet himself. I had to bail out the toilet before I could even try to plunge, and then my normally effective plunging technique was useless against the massive amount of Charmin in there, so Rich came in and used a different style of pushing, he used a series of short quick plunges as opposed to my big single one at a time push, and all I wanted to do was crack sex jokes, but the stench had not yet abated and I didn’t want to associate sex with stench, so I watched in silence until finally the bowl began to drain. Thanks Rich! Then I had to wipe it all clean. Wall, toilet, floor, enough said. When I questioned Ev, I found out that he had been holding it in since lunch recess 7 hours earlier. I am hoping he learned his lesson.
I got to run out to photograph an art exhibit, (whew) dragging Mat with me, and having a very nice time with him playing the “I can do that” game with the assorted pieces of art on display. It is a great way to get Matt to look at the art long enough to maybe deconstruct it just a little bit. I came home thinking I was done with digestive processes, Rich had put Josh and Ev to bed, and could finally relax. We sat down to watch one of the dvds we had gotten earlier in the day.
Wrong again. It turns out that Matt was a bit gassy. He couldn’t blame the dog because she was so offended that she chose to lie down far away from him in the hallway. Rich and I convinced him to at least dash over to the doorway in the direction of the bathroom before cutting loose.
Lesson learned, I will never say never again.