Yesterday Josh lost a tooth! That makes one tooth lost on the boat in Alaska, one up at our island house and one in the Bahamas. If I want Josh to have a full set of adult teeth I might have to travel a lot more the next 10 years.
Last night we gave the boys their long awaited room service and an overpriced hotel movie night. Yup, my kids check in to a hotel and ask "Can we have room service?" before the luggage even arrives. I told them we'd wait until the end of the vacation when we were all tired. Except I didn't want to eat room service so the husband and I left them with Matt in charge and went down to the casual place right in our hotel. As the husband and I waited in line to get in to the restaurant we remembered how last time we were here Evan chose to eat in the restaurant with us and we felt secure leaving Matt and Josh alone. I said a silent prayer at that point.
When I came back to the rooms (without the husband who had gone off to gamble) Evan rushed up to me and anounced that there had been a crisis in our absence. Immediately I suspected that he had been behind it and that he was telling me first in order to soften the blow. I rushed past Evan and looked around for hotel room crisis clues, things appeared as they should be. There were no burnt window curtains, the television was still sitting on the bureau, the room service left overs were all still on the table.
I checked the bed and saw that Josh was blissfully tucked in and fast asleep, it looked good to me. I looked to Evan and he told me that when the boys had no idea where I had left Josh's tooth they searched the bag of stuff we've been toting around. They couldn't find it and Josh panicked. He was very upset. Evan managed to reel Josh in and calm him down by admitting that he had accidentally seen the toooth fairy once, they had become friends, and that he would now write a note to her and he was sure she would be very understanding. According to Evan, Josh was reluctant to believe his big brother until big brother Evan provided a name for the tooth fairy. Evan declared her name to be Athena (since he is currenty reading a fictional novel based on all the greek gods) and Josh calmed right down.
Here is the note that Evan wrote to Athena aka: The Tooth Fairy:
Dear Athena,
My L-B J-man (Little Brother Josh man) has lost a tooth but is unable to retrieve it in time so here is the description:
He drew a little rectangular tooth with an arrow pointing from the bottom to the written word RED
Lost in Paradise Island Nassau Atlantis
Thank you
Evan R. (R stands for Rocky, which is the middle name Matt gave Evan when Evan was upset about not having a middle name)
Since we are in the Bahamas, I told Josh that maybe the Tooth Fairy (now aka:Athena) might give out casino chips for teeth. So in addition to the casino chips I left under Josh's pillow, I also left my own note. The note that I (as Athena) wrote to Josh said:
Dear Josh,
I found it!
See you soon! (which means: get the other loose out so your mouth can be symmetrical!)
Athena T.F.