OK, I’m gonna start with a little background in case somebody doesn’t know the backstory. My husband has a brother and a sister. His brother passed away in 2017 and his sister is married to a man who started showing signs of dementia in 2017 (which we now know has been caused by a series of strokes.) So around the same time, the husband of my sister-in-law started to wake up from very vivid dreams in which my deceased brother-in-law was talking to him. He would often share recipes with him, which is a charming thought, because my brother-in-law loved to cook and thought of himself as quite an accomplished chef. I was speaking to the sister-in-law today and she told me that her husband woke up one day recently very upset from a dream because in this dream he saw my dead brother-in-law, in a room with another man who stood behind my brother-in-law, in the corner of the room and only snickered, but didn’t talk. In the dream, my brother-in-law was telling the husband of my sister-in-law to tell someone that Junior is with him and that junior is OK and everything was fine and he woke up very upset because he didn’t know who he should tell about this person named Junior because he didn’t think he knew anyone named Junior.
Junior was the nickname that my brother-in-law used to call my husband when they were children. So I am spending the day deeply, comforted by the thought that the brothers are reunited and hanging out together on the other side. And also that everything is fine.