I had an amazing experience leaving my neighbors house last night. I have been photographing the moon as often as I can since last December (As if I hadn’t told you that hundreds of times already…) and I was really bummed about not being able to see the moon the last five days because CLOUDS and RAIN. Like REALLY bummed with a hefty dose of anxiety and despair and I knew I had to think my way into a better head space around it. So I was writing about it here yesterday and I had made the conscious decision to not stress about something out of my control- and to be grateful for the many times over the past 9+ months where I was in the right place at the right time and did get to photograph the moon even though I didn’t think I’d be able to.
I went across the street, left the camera at home, made the decision to be in the moment and then me and the neighbors all had drinks, (I made margaritas) got a little drunk and had a very nice time. I stayed for over 3 hours.
When I left their house to come home the clouds had parted right over the moon. First I screamed in happiness, then I quickly zipped up their driveway and into mine, ran into my house, grabbed my camera, ran back outside and photographed the moon from my driveway. I was so freaking happy!! Then I came inside, smiling ear to ear, gathered up the recycling, which was already ready to go so it only took me a minute, and by the time I went outside again, I glanced towards where the moon had been and there was no trace of the moon. The hole in the clouds was gone.
So I feel like I left their house at the exact perfect moment last night and I’m just so grateful for it. I feel like I have a guardian angel for this project. Not kidding. Not kidding about the angel and seriously not kidding about the gratitude. I am filled with so much gratitude that it’s the strongest feeling I have in me right now.