I refuse to put the heat on because it is September, but I have spent the last couple of hours alternating putting my hands in arm pits while downloading photos with he cold hand. At least tonight I can snuggle up under covers. It's getting into the 40's at night. sigh. Summer is definitely over. The only goos thing is the lack of mosquitoes.
I can't believe we have gone from winter to spring and summer all in hiding from this pandemic and now we are about to hide our way through a different season. It just seems so freaking insane. I know it is going to be around for at least another year. It kind of makes me think things like: If I happened to be t-boned by another car and saw the light and I could choose to go to the light or come back, I might just choose the light. But the pandemic isn't the only reason for that. It's just the icing on the cake. Life is too hard right now. Its everything. It's just harder than I ever imagined it could be and I don't have the reserves to participate.