SO. C*r*na virus or more technically C*vid 2019. (Sorry for the *s. Trying to avoid google hits) I just hope you didn't get here by googling, dear reader, this won't be informative. Just my on line diary. Let's have a nickname for this pandemic. I've nicknamed everything else so, why not? Right? Let's see. The Plague is already taken. I feel like this is going to end up being biblical in size and damage. I mean, if 60-75% of us get this and the survivors are all left with impaired lung function we will be several generations of wheezing geezers. So, maybe Wheezy? Wheezy it is.
First, I will admit that I've been ever so slightly panicked for a long while. Long enough to start purchasing bags of gluten free grains, beans, and (for some inexplicable reason) olives long before people were battling over them. I honestly have no idea what the olive thing was about but I've also got a pickle stash so maybe I just want salty canned goods. I dunno. I took into high gear this week when I discovered that the freezer in our basement still works and now we have even more canned goods and a bunch of frozen meat and bread too.
Now I am in full fledged panic. Josh was home from school for break for a week and I couldn't believe they didn't tell the kids to stay home. No, they had the kids disperse to their home towns, maybe get infected maybe not, and then return to school as if Wheezy wasn't breathing down our necks like the Alien in Alien on Sigourney Weaver. What the ever loving hell were they thinking? I looked every single day for an email from that school and there wasn't any communication at all. A few days later they decided to shut down and go on line like all the other schools are doing, but not before all the kids and their germs had reassembled long enough to infect each other. God dammit. This country needs leadership! We should have been on shut down 6 weeks ago and that would have kept the lid on Wheezy, but no, we have a gigantic POS in the white house who ignored the problem as if it was going to go away unnoticed.
I am hoping the most evil of evil thoughts and please let this play out so that the people who vote against their own interest end up protected by an honest government. Or at least the normal amount of dishonest, since it looks like Bernie isn't going to win the nomination. I feel like 4 more years of the POS would be more than I could handle. I mean, I don't actually know what I can handle, because I just keep plugging away, but the last 3 years have been so fucking nasty.
It's amazing to me how many people are not paying attention.
Yesterday the mom across the street posted a selfie of herself in her house and said "Enjoying while staying socially isolated #Wheezy" except she lied because her husband posted a photo of his kids hanging out in his basement with a bunch of other kids at the very same time. Dude! They cancelled school so that the kids wouldn't get each other sick and that totally defeats the purpose.
Today I took sweet pea out for our usual walk. Two women I walk with did not respect my request to stay 6 feet away. One of them even high fived my hand with her hand when I held it up as a gesture to stay back. I was pissed because this woman is a health care worker who gets too close for comfort with her patients if you ask me. I told her she needed to stop working (she totally could) for a while but she said she never gets sick. Clueless!! Now I won't be walking sweet pea at the usual time with the hussar people or even with anyone and I will be wearing rubber gloves for protection just in case but also because I am suddenly uncomfortable with dogs slobbering all over my hands when I give them treats because i don't know who else's hands have been in their mouths. I know dogs can't get Wheezy according to WHO but can it live in their saliva if they lick Wheezy off of someone's hands? I need answers. I think I'll put this one out on Facebook.
So, yesterday I drove out to Josh's college to pick him up after his one week back at school. On the way out I got a text from Evan asking what I was doing today, so I figured he wanted me to come and bring him back to the house too. I called him and said I would pick him (and his girlfriend) up (despite my general level of concern since they had both been taking mass transit to their jobs in NYC) but that if they were going to stay in the house with me they'd have to lay low and not go out to socialize. Evan acted like I was a tyrant and said he wanted to hang out with small groups of friends in their homes. I said it wasn't safe enough and that his father would likely not survive this virus, so Evan isn't coming back. Part of me is relieved because I know he thinks he is still indestructible and will take chances like hanging out with his like minded irresponsible friends and the other part of me is more worried than before because I know he will not be not isolating himself as he should be and I can't control him.
I feel like I would die if this virus takes any of my kids away from me.