It’s sweet Pea’s birthday week. (Technically the birthday I assigned her is on Wednesday) but Evan’s girlfriend came by with some birthday treats for sweet pea and as you can see sweet pea went bonkers for them.
I’m happy and sad about her birthday. For one thing she is 5 now (on Wednesday) and I just hate hate hate that such an all around excellent dog such as sweet pea is going to move into her later years. Why can’t the fantastic dogs live twice as long? I don’t want her to get old. I want her to stay the same.
Secondly, when we got sweet pea and counted back 11 weeks it turned out that the day was the same day as the day my dear old friend Bob died. I can’t believe Bob has been gone for 5 years. Would you believe I still think about calling him? For 10 years before he died I’d always call him when I was on a long drive. (Needed at least an hour!) and when I’m in the car I still have that moment when I think to myself it’s an opportunity to chat with Bob before I remember. It’s a little stab to the heart every time.
I’m still out of commission with my ankle pain. The physical therapist told me the MRI showed more than just the tendon tear. It also showed plantar fasciitis and the Achilles tendinitis. I asked him if it could have been worse and he told me he once had a patient who had broken every bone in her foot. I conceded.
But then I remembered how when I broke my wrist the first time and I was 11.3 weeks into my 12 weeks of being casted and how someone’s dog jumped onto my lap and twisted my wrist around causing me immense pain and I called the orthopedist crying and he said to come right in. Then he told me the good news was that my bone was healed but that now I had a pulled something which probably hurt more. I didn’t relay that story to the physical therapist.
Anyways, Evan’s girlfriend walked sweet pea for the first few weeks but then a dog park friend offered to take her and I’ve been driving over to the dog park and she has been taking sweet pea and I am so heart warmingly touched you wouldn’t believe it because the one who is supporting me the most here isn’t even the dog park friend I’ve helped out in the past or even the one who necessarily said she’d help from the beginning. She’s not even the dog park friend I’d consider myself being closest to. She’s just being a great person. This seems so strange to say, but I am realizing that in my immature head I kind of thought I had to put myself out there first for someone to come through for me. I really don’t keep score, I just think that the way I’ve been seeing life is by always helping others first to secure my spot as worthy of helping back. And this woman, just stepped up without that pre-investment from me. It’s been eye opening. If I were in therapy I’d be discussing my worthiness issues.
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