So, I finally broke down and saw a different orthopedist about my pain, oh the pain! The stinging burning pain which I hate more than anything. He said the same thing as the last guy- achilles tendonitis. But, he did not touch the puffy soft blob on the side of my ankle, which leads me to believe that it is more than that- for this reason... My friend was in a similar car accident to mine, except the car which hit her was going faster and she hit her hand harder and slightly lower than where I bashed mine. She has had a puffy soft blob on her incredibly painful wrist for over a year and finally had an MRI and they told her she has a tear. So, while it is 100% probable that I have the achilles tendonitis that the orthos think I have I am suspicious that there is also a tear there. I feel like the burning part of the pain I feel would be what a tear feels like. I think I made a mistake by going to a different orthopedist. I think that now I have to start all over again from square one while the other guy might have been lore likely to go for the MRI sooner. I feel that I have made a mistake here. I just wanted the pictures. I'm bumming.
They tried to give me this crazy device which consisted of a hard plastic strip with goes down the front one of one's leg and over the top of their food, swathed in straps of black diving suit materials which then velcro around ones calf, toe, and around their painfully sore heel. It is designed to keep one's foot from pointing all night long and there by stretching the muscles down the back of the leg. I knew I would never get used to wearing it, I suspected it would irritate the heck out of my puffy soft spot because guys, I can't even wear tight socks, and since they couldn't guarantee that insurance would pay for it, I just left it behind. They said they charged insurance $260 for it, and I asked if that was because they only expected to get $50 for it and when the nurse didn't answer me, I just thought, I don't wanna play that game. I looked on line and for $260 I can buy 10 different imitations which will do the same thing and be just as annoying to my sleep so I won't wear anyway. What a rip off. That kind of over pricing things annoys me. It was also a poor design since one strap had a hole in which to put my tender heel before velcroing it up.
When I got back to the house I did something stupid stupid stupid. I took my fake invisalign retainer out to eat something and I stashed it in my bra like I always do but before eating. Halfway through dinner prep I thought, why not get comfy? SO I slipped my bra off, and the retainer thing fell out and the husband lumbered over to the kitchen because in his latest version of himself he is a bit over the top interested in the minutia of my life and he likes to pop out of the chair because why not fall every day instead of once a week? and stagger to the kitchen to ask or tell me things which we have discussed an hour or two ago or last night but always have already discussed and I am pretty sure he stepped on the retainer with his humongous feet, the same feet which haven't experienced a single sensation in over a decade, so he would never have known he was stepping on anything. The retainer is pressing hard on one side of my mouth and I drank a cup of hot water to make it fit better again. I think the hot water trick helped a little bit but not all the way. I was not happy to hear the last time that I went to the orthodontist that I would be his tooth slave for another two years. Somehow I thought those braces would come off and I'd say Hasta la vista baby! and that would be the end. I really don't want to have go in with this story. It's way too the dog ate my homework for my style. I'll have to come up with something a bit more adventurous. Maybe something brave like involving chasing a coyote from my yard or something heroic like saving a toddler from a frozen river.
I swore I'd enter legit photo contests like crazy this year and so far I have been able to draw up a spreadsheet and make a binder. I feel more like a loser every day that I am not putting my work out there.