All of our garbage (garbage being defined as pretty much everything I have ever purchased which wasn't edible or subject to rotting in some other capacity) is in the house in new town. I never actually unpacked all of the boxes when we moved here from stepford a mere 7 years ago because so many of the boxes are full of crap I'd like to hang onto just in case. And by that I mean..... Just in case I ever at some point in the unlikely and unforeseeable future want something like the not useful or valuable stuff which is in this box I will already have it and I won't have to go out and buy it again. Also, in stepford I had much more storage, like closets, built in shelving and cabinets, and also a walk up attic (new town has a drop down ladder, so I am not carrying anything up there) so in step ford I could squirrel away more stuff without looking like an obvious disaster.
I would like to live in a tidier house. The thought of tidying up is overwhelming. So today I decided that I would make teeny little goals, ones that might even be barely noticeable on their own, but will surely add up to a less chaotic and more pleasant living experience. Today I cleaned out the pantry. I cleared out food that must have been purchased as soon as I moved to new town because it expired a year afterwards. That would be 2012. And it was canned, so not frightening at all, but still. I also picked up the laundry room (more of a laundry hallway floor) which was covered in mounds of clothes and towels thanks partially to Evan throwing my neatly folded piles of towels and clothes off of the ironing board and then tossing some of his own clean clothes out of the dryer.
Tomorrow I will move the collection of food that I've been storing on the kitchen island to the now cleared out pantry and uncover part of the kitchen island I haven't seen in ages. Then, at some other point, or maybe even in the same day, but no pressure, Iwill uncover the other side of the kitchen island, which is covered with a variety of junk and at least 4 different kinds of dog treats, which could totally fit into a drawer. I can do it slowly with tiny goals. Today while I was straightening I was chatting with Mat on the phone. Chatting made it much more pleasant. I'm going to ask my friends who might like to be my chat buddy for future cleaning stents.