So here is a (not at all) fun fact. Apparently I am very sensitive to altitude and altitude sickness. I have been in Santa Fe for 36 hours. I’ve had a headache for 34 hours my feet are swollen my face is swollen and now I’m getting nosebleeds. Altitude sickness sucks and I will probably not find myself living in Santa Fe ever.
I’m participating in a portfolio review. So far I’ve seen three reviewers and it’s been all good. My fears of being written off or put down have been for nothing. I do have 6 reviews to go though. But, since the heart racing and trembling part of altitude sickness only lasted for about 20 hours I’m feeling better equipped to go in there, present myself and not give a damn if someone doesn’t have positive things to say and embrace the helpful advice. Most of the photographers seem very nice. Though everyone is getting tired after the first day and now people are being more real with each other. It will be interesting to see how my reviews at the end of the day go because I suspect the reviewers will be even more frazzled than the photographers.
In the mean time, im just doing my best here. Fingers crossed that I meet the right person who is interested in promoting my work. You never know.