So, what has it been since the last time I hurt myself? A minute? Well, today was the day folks. I was walking down a path with some people when my beloved (falling apart) hiking boot toe caught on something camouflaged beneath the leaves (a rock perhaps? Tree root?) and I went down so fast that I didn't have time to react and so hard that my camera which I was carrying in a messenger bag twisted onto my back flung itself over my head and landed on the ground next to my face.
My first thought? OH MY GOD! THE CAMERA!! My second thought? MY KNEES!!!!!
Oh lordy lordy. The knees took one for the team today. The pain was (is) excruciating. The waves of pain inspired waves of nausea followed by waves of sweating and light headedness. I spent the day on the couch taking advil and alternating sides with the ice pack. I thought I was doing better until I tried to sit down in the dining room chair, which I am sitting in right now. There is a sharp (unfamiliar) pain in my mid thigh. I am wondering if one can fracture their mid thigh. Is that even possible? I briefly considered going to the walk in orthopedic clinic and didn't, but now I think that I might have to tomorrow. My knees are still hot and throbbing and this thigh pain is brutal. The sad thing is that they're going to think I'm there for the pain pills, which I won't take and I will be there for a diagnostic X-ray which they won't want to give me because for some bizarre reason people look at me and do not see pain. I'll not wear makeup or put in my fake tooth and maybe that will make me seem less like a pill junkie and more like a middle aged klutzy housewife in dire need of an X-ray. Or will it? Damn. Now I don't know what to do.
My plan for tomorrow (the most fucking insane bring out the kooks volatile election day in my memory) is to take sweet pea for a limp(hahaha, get it?), get this thigh/knees X-ray over with , vote, swing by the oral surgeon who likes to look at his own work and congratulate himself on what a stellar job he does and then lay in about 4 days of food incase there are riots after the results are announced and I won't leave the house for fear of our democratic lives. Then I'll sit around and wait for the results. Good thing I kept in contact with all of my non US citizen friends. My Australian friend told me he has room for the whole family. Yay since I only speak English.