As a Jew I am devastated by this election results. I have vowed never to utter the P word followed by the T name. It makes me sick to think about it and here I am praying that something catastrophic happens to him before he is able to take office. It is unbelievable to me that the racist and sexist and everything else-ist people of this sad and hateful nation now feel like they have a platform from which to spew their hatefulness. The haters have been validated and are acting out like children against the people can see are not white, but you know they have something to say about me too! I made the mistake of reading some highlights from the hate groups which are so thrilled to have this evil man at the helm and just about every one of them mentions the jews. I'd like to flee. I feel like this is a time when I should pack my family up and go to a safe place, but that place doesn't really exist does it? Where am I going to go? Also, the kids wouldn't come with me- they aren't little kids anymore. Matt and Evan are "adults." I can't even believe this. I can't protect them. What will become of this world?