The BIL came over with his dog today. It's a sweet dog, but it is a crazy young hyper dog and it was so happy to see me that it jumped open mouthed into my face giving me a fat lip, a puncture wound on my nose, and knocking my nose to the side so hard it still hurts 6 hours later. I can not deal with shit like this right now. Seriously?
I'm off the deep end with the election results, so incredibly embarrassed to be an american that when my Austrian friend showed up in the woods with some Austrian friends the first thing out of my mouth was "I didn't vote for him." I needed to reassure these complete strangers. I just didn't want these people to think that I could be so fucking stupid.
I've become quite intolerant of other people in the last week. Especially people who did not vote at all. Fucking idiots. Have all the privilege that comes with living in this country but don't do your duty? I don't think so. Yesterday one of Evan's more air headed friends put some drivel on Fbook about how he just needs to chill and chose to not participate bleh bleh bleh and I read his post and thought to myself how immature this kid is and how I hoped he might grow up to be a more conscientious man. I scrolled through the comments wondering if Evan put anything on there and saw that some girl, who mentioned that she didn't know the guy well, started this patient and informative dialog with the kid and she was just so admirable and brilliant. She didn't judge, she merely offered facts, little by little, so the air head could take them in in a non threatening way and just kept putting quality information forward. It was really such a beautiful thing that I could maybe read some guilt creeping into the air head friends responses except he had to keep up with the "I'm just gonna zen and let the world work itself out" attitude, but you know he was totally schooled in a way that was so not threatening it was fantastic. I sent the girl a message telling her what a great job she had done. To be honest I could take a lesson from this young lady. She was a smooth operator. I'm going to work on it.
Also, about Fbook, I've been doing a little purge. Getting rid of the toxic people who I don't really have relationships with anyway. Also, trump supporters posting republican propaganda? Gone. I'm so done with it all. The next thing I have to do is figure out a way in which I can use all this free time I have been wasting and turn that into energy which contributes to change in the world. Seriously, the fucking KKK is having a parade!! My evil self hopes that there is a sniper on a roof top for the parade. That would be awesome. I also declared to my BIL's wife that I would contribute to the legal defense of anyone managing to take out trump and pence before election day. Because if that should happen, I would be on their go fund me page as fast as my current internet speed could take me there. I'm going to end on that happy thought.