I've been bursting with ideas of where to take that photo series I was talking about in the last post. This is a good thing!
Especially since when I am not thinking about photography I am thinking about (or forced tho hear about) the upcoming election, which has made me so devastatingly sad I can not begin to tell you. First, I am struggling with the desire to immediately discount people who disagree with my choices as complete idiots who are wasting natural resources by simply breathing the air. Then there is the constant drone of the television with the non-stop get-no-where-because-we-don't-really-say-the-truth verbal sewage spillage from the newscaster mouths and I don't care what they think!! Don't think, report the news!! Just give me the facts, dammit. Your opinion counts for nothing!
The other day I bumped into some lady in the dark and overcast woods and we walked and chatted. I had washed and dried my hair that morning and was thinking how fortunate I am that most of the gray (and thanks to certain people who live under the same roof as me there is plenty of that happening) is coming in underneath and on my sideburns, so that when my hair is down there are only a few strands that could possibly even maybe pass for highlights in a low light situation. The lady I was walking with said "I just want to say you have gorgeous hair!" and I was just feeding off of that compliment for a couple of hours until the husband remarked "Wow, look how gray your hair is!" when he spotted my "highlights" outside in the full harsh reality sunshine.
Also, I started using a wrinkle cream with some kind of acid in it to burn off the fine lines I noticed around my eyes. I think it's working. Yay 51! Wa Hoo!
The boredom of sitting around waiting for the other shoe to drop is just torturing me so I have decided to get a job. Preferably I will get a job in the wonderful world of photography. Let's see what happens!