Technically this post could be part two from yesterday's post.
So, this morning the cloud cover was so thick that it was practically dark when I left for the woods at 7:30. I didn't bring my camera kit, thinking I'd go out and walk the streets shooting for another series I have been contemplating- which works for cloud covered days when I am not shooting the dappled light of the woods.
So, I give sweet pea a good walk, come home, goof around a bit, switch out the tripod plate on the bottom of my camera for a camera strap, cause I'll be walking down those shady covered street, and glance out the kitchen window on my way out. Suddenly I scream "Is that a shadow!!" because, HEY HO! It's sunny out there!! I kid you not. So, I take sweet pea to a wooded path (I've been wondering how it looks these days) close by and while we are shooting..... Yup. Clouds kind of half way roll in, which doesn't give the same light as a fully cloudy sky which isn't what I wanted anyway because now (or rather, soon) it's sun for woods and shade for streets..
So, I tell myself I will just go out and shoot to see how it is, because I haven't fully planned out this project. So, I take off with sweet pea on the leash down the streets and quickly realize that this isn't gonna work so well. First of all this town is not completely sidewalked. Secondly, I am happy to report that despite my long held suspicions that our house is being targeted by idiots who throw their car trash out of the window, I now see that there are people getting it a lot worse than we are. Seriously! Who the fuck is driving down residential streets throwing wrappers, bottles and cans out of their vehicles? It's like living in a post apocalyptic world where there are no rules of decency.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, the sun came out, ruined my photos and toasted me in my fleece. Also, this town is too spread out for me to be doing this on foot and why walk if I can't bring sweet pea along? It's going to take much planning and maybe even a driver. I'm thinking of hiring Evan to drive me around while I take photos out of the car window. It's more how I see those homes anyway, except I am normally the driver. Yeah, that is totally what I am going to do! This is a great idea. Thanks internet!
Gotta go see what Evan thinks of this.