I know that I am in a physical detox because last night I dreamed I was buying two large pizzas, one for my family one for a friend's (all of whom were waiting for their pizza in car, must have been a big car) and I was holding the hot boxes in my hand, the fragrant pizza steam wafting seductively straight to my nose, and could not resist. I began to devour a slice and in my dream I experienced the best cooked pizza crust ever, taking in every physical sensation possible, right down to the dusting of flour coating the warm brown yeasty perfectly crunchy chewy pizza dough. Naturally, I woke up totally bummed that I didn't make it through my second day of detox, and then I realized it was all dream! Yay for me. Not sure why I was dreaming about pizza dough though, since I have been very clean in the gluten front. What I would have guessed that I would be dreaming about is sugar, because sugar is the one thing I have not passed on in such a long time that I can not tell you the last time I had a sugarless day before two days ago.
I might have also guessed that I would dream about rice pudding, since the husband wanted homemade rice pudding so much that he went out and bought the ingredients for it. I made it for him, even though between the dairy and the sugar I couldn't taste it to tell if it was done or not. But I will admit here on this blog for all to see that the last two times I made rice pudding, I threw caution to the wind and gobbled it down because homemade rice pudding warm from the pot is definitely something I would dream about. I kept my mouth shut about the insensitivity of asking someone who doesn't feel well to begin with and is on her second day of a much needed cleanse to make a food that is not only forbidden but something that she has been historically willing to suffer the consequences of eating. I wonder what it feels like when the people around you are sensitive to your needs. No, seriously... I wonder. I think it might make me suspicious, it is such a foreign concept. In my 51 years I haven't really known that feeling. Maybe one day.
So, it's the evening of day three and I am counting the seconds until I can go to bed. I really really want to go to bed. Strangely enough I took two naps today, one hour around 10 this morning and another from 3-4. I am dragging still and I suspect that this cleanse might not be my kidney's best friend. I have an unusual back pain. If I knew for sure it was serious I would not hesitate to call the doc, but since I don't know... you know, the complaining thing... I don't want to be a whiner. I'll see how I feel tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow, I made plans with some friends to do some photo stuff tomorrow. I'm kind of regretting making plans since lying in bed all day sounds way more appealing, but in the end I am sure I will be happy that I got off my broke ass and did something. Speaking of my broke ass the new chiro is trying to fix it. It's still the same. I''ll see the newest chiro again 1 time next week. Fingers crossed for a miracle. This butt pain has way surpassed my 3 day pain limit by around 4 months.