So, I don't want this to to turn into a diet blog. GAH!!!!! Did I ever tell you that in high school I had a friend who would call me almost every day and recount every single bit of food along with the calorie counts of said food which she put in her mouth that day.
It was something akin to torture.
That being said, I'm doing well here, thanks. I barely moved today since I woke up in utopia without the dog and it was pouring rain, and all I did was clean, which did involve heaving a rolled up carpet onto my shoulders and carrying it down a flight of stairs, as well as two folding tables and a couple of there stair runs, so I guess a did move a bit. But my phone wasn't in my pocket, so according to my phone I have ben practically prone the entire day.Tomorrow, weather permitting, I am not leaving the woods until I have 10,000 steps racked up.
Let's talk Lyme disease. Recall: the new doc thinks I have it, I took the test, yanked a deer tick off of my boob a week later, and then found out that they ran the wrong tests on my blood sample, and doc said to wait a couple of weeks before I retest that way if the boob tick gave me something it will show up in my blood test. Folks, I finally have THE lyme symptom from hell. Joint pain. Which was strictly knee pain until tonight and now it is knee and left shoulder pain. Dammit.
I had "a talk" with the dentist and made it clear that I wasn't going to ever to see the inexperienced "viable tooth" zombie dentist again, and will have this same conversation with the tooth extractor about his new lackey as well. I need old cranky medical practitioners who may not understand how I know things to be true but have learned through the wisdom of their many years and also my amazing ability to predict the condition of my rotting teeth that they should not second guess me, use the word viable and most definitely they should not give me that smug punk face and tell me I am feeling "referred" pain when I have a fucking toothache. And, as if this wasn't going to happen, it's getting worse. Naturally the first time I sat in the chair to discuss it? February 26th. That's when the idiot told me it was the tooth next to it and it was viable and I should get a root canal. Fast forward two weeks and he practically crushing my entire skull trying to yank a tooth out that is so infected it is being reabsorbed into the jaw. Mother f........ Now I just want all of my teeth removed. I feel like this plague is just going to spread from tooth to tooth and I want to get them out in one fell swoop. I wish I could go live in a cave until they all get replaced. I feel nasty with a missing tooth right up front.
They are going to give me some kind of V cone X-ray - I dunno what but that should give them a better look at the rapid decline. Yay radiation! If I get through this life without cancer it will be nothing short of a miracle. You can't even know how many chest X-rays I have had. I've had pneumonia about 7 times! Forget about all of the broken bones... go gosh. Just pull my teeth and put me in a rubber room and slip baby food under the door once in a while.
I spent the night in utopia so I could be there this morning when the electrician got there at 8:24. (early!) I feel bad ditching the family , but dammit, the clock is ticking on my special place and I want to be there! It was weird being alone last night, first when I was awake, I'm so used to having my feelers out for everyone in the family, and then in the middle of the night. The blinds were wide open because I like to look out the window but the moon must have been super bright in conjunction with just enough haze to illuminate the whole room in a blue glow all night long. A few times I turned over because of the light and then I reached out to pet sweet pea and she wasn't there! Left her in new town because I didn't think I'd have time to walk her and also didn't want her messing up the house. IT WAS SO WEIRD. I know we have to sell the house and I do want it to sell but right now my fingers crossed for a labor day closing because I would just love to spend one more summer there. Technically, I would love to grow old there, but that is not going to happen unless I win the lottery. I'd be a great lottery winner. I'd tip like a movie star, and just try to spread the luck around. Damn. I have some serious plans for when I win!