I volunteered to go first in showing the prints I brought for our gallery show. I figured I should get it out of the way early. I'm so glad I did. They had a few comments on my print quality, but said it was close enough as is. (I knew the printing was fine. I can print) pretty much they asked me the questions that I need to consider for my space. It was painless. Except for one moment when I was describing how the focal distance from one panel of the triptych changed subtly as you move across the images and my current advisor said it wasn't noticeable and my old advisor said he had noticed what I was describing. I think I'm going to approach my current advisor and let him know that I sense his frustration with me and that I want things to be good between us. He isn't the touchy feely type, so it'll probably shock him and I imagine he will say there is nothing to talk about and then think about it later on and not be so automatically frustrated with me. Let's at least hope that is how it goes. Truthfully, the expectation vibe I'm getting from the advisors that I will fail is as annoying the crap out of me. I can't wait to get that diploma in my big fat hands and turn around and prove them wrong.
They started off the day by asking us which one of us would like to teach after graduation. I suspected it was a trick question so I did not raise my hand. I was the only one! Then they made everyone except me get up and give a 5 minute talk on their philosophy of teaching. Bwah ha ha ha.