So, my take on San Franciscans is that they are super friendly until they're behind the wheel and then tthey might as well be New Yorkers.
I went all NYer on one yesterday as I waited patiently in line for a parking spot at the beach a white Benz squeezed past me and took a spot that was rightfully mine. I got of my car and threatened the dude and flung the F word around a lot. My middle ginger made an appearance and when I pulled into the next spot that opened up the dude's little wife came over to tell me that life was too short for a middle Finger and she would pray for me. I told her to go that And while she was there she she ask her god why she and her husband felt like the rules of the civilized world, like waiting your turn in line because they didnt think it didn't apply to them. The beach wS beautiful and i could totally dig the SF fog situation. I kinda wish I had the power to cause a flock of birds to decorate their car.