So, Before some kid whacked Josh's big toe to shreds we had been at the podiatrist for a painful wart on the bottom of his fot. The jolly podiatrist smiled and chuckled as he told us how he was going to prescribe this fabulous drug for gential warts off label which works wonders on viral foot warts. I thought Josh was going to faint!! I am pretty sure that any use of the word genital in front of Josh is more than his 13 year old psyche can stand. He wouldn't come into the pharmacy with me to pick it up! He slid down in the car seat and hid while I went in alone. He couldn't believe they put his name on the package and that I had to say his name out loud in the CVS in order to purchase his genital wart cream. Just hilarious.
I'm going to channel that thought tomorrow when I am less than happy. How do I knwo I will be less than happy tomorrow? Why because I have MFing jury duty.
Sheeeeeeett!! I got the jury duty notice and the standard advice was to just call in the night before and it would probably be cancelled. NOT CANCELLED!!!!
wah wah wah
I am going to be the biggest jerk they ever saw. And I have some herring to bring for snacks while I am waiting. And nuts, just in case there is an allergy. (Just kidding!!) I just printed out my flight tickets for the next session, coming up in 3 weeks. LEAVE ME ALONE jury administration!!!
wah wah wah
I do not want to do my civic duty. I did jury duty once in NY and it was the most ridiculous waste of time ever. A delusional drug addicted homeless man sold drugs to an undercover cop. I wasn't even the head juror and I had everyone voting guilty before our lunch order even arrived. The judge couldn't believe we had all come to agree so fast. (about 20 minutes after entering the deliberation room and ordering lunch) They wasted my time with a trial, I wasn't going to waste a second more of my precious life discussing it!!
wah wah wah
So, now I can't freaking photograph tomorrow, but I will probably throw my camera into my purse just in case I get out early and can shoot on my way to pick Josh up from school. I bet a big honking camera in your purse goes over well at jury duty!!
wah wah wah
Well at least I will have time to read the book my advisor suggested I read today.