Day one (at the least the first FULL day) of my fourth session of school is over. I was way less nervous than last year, still sad about this session taking two weeks from my favorite time of year, but after the insane summer I've had, a change was a welcome thing. I had a little heart to heart (hahaha) with my BIL law before I left and he said that if they green lighted the heart transplant photo journey, that he would be true to his word and cooperate with me.
I won't know how the photos go over until next week when we have our critiques. This week will be all classroom time.
I really hope the utopian portrait project goes over well too. Last night I showed the photos to a classmate and she pulled out the photos of the people who hang out on the street and said they were stronger. She was right. I might have to only show one side of my favorite place in the world. Let's see what the majority votes on this one.
I didn't sleep at all the first night here, so I am going to crash. I hope I can get some good sleep in tonight.