No rejection letter so far!!
So, I managed to complete 2 weeks of running again. It feels great. I forgot how fabulous I feel after exercising. It's addictive. My knees are still holdong up, but I am thankful for two days off for the weekend.
My teeth are in destruction mode right now, and that is true bummer. My new strange after effect of dental work is face muscle spasms. I had some work done Wednesday and now I'm slamming OTC pain killers and holding a heating pad to my face. Not pleased. I am going to try acupuncture for relief and Monday can not come soon enough.
I purchased a new vehicle today. I'm downsizing to a hybrid Highlander. This baby better be solid. I'm kind of exhausted from worrying about sylvia's lack of driving safety. I get to pick up the new vehicle on Tuesday. I haven't named the new one yet. She's blue, so I'll be thinking about some good blue names for a car. Lil sis suggested Indigo, but I think that might be too fancy. I'm not feeling terribly inspired, so I'm leaning towards Blue. I can go Bleu for a french flair. I have two days to figure this out. I met some interesting salesmen along the way. A few were very nice a couple were so slimy that I wouldn't want to buy a car from them. One was so rude (mercedes) that I am actually going to write a letter to his manager. Afert test driving with the mercedes salesman I wouldn't have bought water from him if I was crawling out of the desert, let alone buy a car. I also liked the honda pilot a lot but I couldn't get past the rough ride. In the end the highlander won out because of having the best mileage in the category and I've been saying for 10 years that I would act responibly after driving huge gas guzzling trucks for so long. I hope the earth accepts my apology and I can rise back into the ranks of good citizen again.
Matt turned 20 today. That just blows my mind. I went shopping with him and Evan and at one point I was following the two of them into a store and felt seriously short. It's kind of strange to have men for sons. Where did my babies go?!