I'm totally over my rejection by Yale.
As a matter of fact, in recent weeks I have actually become a bit disenchanted by Yale, and the whole Yale mystique. Yes, I'd like to mumble that I have a Yale MFA and have doors (aka:opportunities) fly open wide for me, but the truth is that I feel ike I can get where ever I want to be on my own as well. Also, Yale just might be a little too pretentious for my peasant blood. That's being honest and not being all sour grapes. Really, I swear.
I do have one more application pending and the truth is that I happened to speak to the head professor of this program on the phone one day when I called about a bad link on their web site and ever since I have felt a serious longing for this program. I just liked the tone and attitude and friendliness of the voice on the other end of the line. That wasn't how it was when I went to see Yale. Even the grad student who showed us around after all the (full of themselves) faculty got finished advising us that most of us weren't going to get in and that no one should bother throwing themselves off of a bridge over that inevitable fate was pretty depressed and depressing.
I'm kind of excited by the alternate program and feel like it is better fit for me anyway.
I haven't heard from them yet, which is kind of killing me here! But they said they weren't making decisions this early, so I'm not worried at this point. I suppose someone could always take one look at a portfolio and dash off that rejection letter, so hearing nothing might mean a good thing, or it might mean nothing and I should spend my time doing something productive like making some intaglio prints using the new chine colle technique I learned in a fabulous 6 hour workshop I took yesterday instead of wringing my hands and worrying. Yeah, I gotta go the chine colle route. It's for the best.
I'm fantasizing about all the college logo swag I'm going to purchase when I get accepted somewhere. I'm wondering what to do with my Yale t-shirt and I'm so glad I didn't buy the Yale drinking glasses, scarf and beach towel I wanted too. Maybe I can burn the Yale shirt. Or maybe I can spray paint a big capital F in front of the Yale on the t-shirt. I think I might do that. Then I'll be too embarrassed to wear the shirt out of the house, but I can wear it when I print and it would make me smile in a secretive evil way.