I spent about 4 hours on Thursday unpacking and rearranging boxes in the garage inorder to fit both my truck and the husband's car in. It wasn't too bad once I got into the groove because most of the boxes in there were half full of packing paper anyway and the truth is that I did laugh out loud more than a couple of times when I opened the boxes and saw how insanely well packed valueless things had been or how unable to describe our belongings the movers had been when labeling the boxes. There was a criminal misuse of the word "misc" as pretty much every single box had misc on it, instead of something more useful, like "from the desk in the kitchen." In the end we didn't have to dig out our cars from the 24 inches or so of snow that fell upon new town and for that I am patting myself on the back.
The productivity fever lasted through out Friday when I so smartly decided to give the car Matt didn't take to college a drive before it got buried, and took bear bait to the fields where I typically walk her. Unfortunately I slipped on a patch of snow covered ice and came down super hard on my knee. I got up, fought back the tears, and began to walk anyway. The snow, which had only started to fall 10 minutes earlier was already whipping around, making it hard to walk , and causing me to curse the powers which made draw strings on hoods illegal, ut I did manage to walk bear bait for one final decent amount of time before before being snowed in.
I may have been cursing the school district for not canceling school that day, we all know the kids lost too many school days due to Hurricane Sandy, but safety first! They did call an early dismissal, which meant I picked Evan up at 11:45. I pulled my nice snowless car out of the garage and headed over to the school early so as to be one of the first in line, when Evan began pleading with me through a series of texts to allow him to go to a friend's house (down the block, not too far away). A few other boys were going too, and I did feel some peer pressure to not be the only mom freaking out about the snow and forcing her kids to hunker down waiting for the storm to blow over. I called the friend's mom who was way behind me in line and offered to drive the 4 boys over, since I was already sitting out in the line anyway, and also because I do like these kids and I really just wanted to be with them for the entire 120 seconds it would take to drive to the friend's house. I did tell Evan, in no uncertain terms that I'd be back for him real soon.
Which, I was, I came back two hours later after being tricked by the husband into watching a movie where a kid dies in the end, and showing up to fetch Evan with swollen red eyes and a drippy nose. That mom was taking the other kids home then (she would have brought Evan home too, but I didn't know) so at least I felt good not being the only one to cut their little gathering short because of the storm bearing down on us. Evan and I got home safe and sound and I ripped my boots off because I must have hurt my ankle when I fell and hurt my knee, only, my knee hurt so much that I didn't realize it until I put my boots back on.
Later that day I got all home improvement and put up some curtain rods and curtains in my bathroom. I purchased some new curtains, but in the end I went with some that I had originally bought for my new basement studio. Then I turned to my bedroom and removed the linen colored curtains that came with the place, they are fine curtains but they totally didn't go with the beigey color of the bedroom walls, because the beigey walls have some kind of green undertone to them, that I do not understand or even care for, but painting isn't on my schedule and I found some white linen curtains packed away in one of the garage boxes that I had originally bought for my old stepford studio and never hung there because I loved my big perfect light filled north facing windows and couldn't bring myself to cover them up. So I put the unused curtains in my new town bedroom and it was much much better.
Then I turned back to the bathroom and assembled two different plant stands that I had picked up at Ikea for my bathroom, set them up with two antique plant stands I picked up in a antique store in utopia, and decorated them with some old candles I had originally purchased in 2005 when I let the middle school use my house for a house tour, and all of a sudden my incredibly poorly designed bathroom was getting kind of cozy looking and I might even consider taking an actual bath in there one day despite the fact that the bath tub is located under the forced air vent and the thought of a breeze blowing on me while in the bath doesn't please me.
I need another Ikea run for returning the curtains I didn't use for the bathroom and for buying some more bath mats now. Also, I need to spend more in the utopian antique store because I feel like this bathroom actually needs furniture. Yes, it is that strange.
At the end of the day I made a nice shrimp risotto with steamed squash for dinner. I was pretty tired Friday night. I should have taken a pain killer too. By the end of Friday my back was killing me from cleaning the garage, my butt was sore from lugging stuff up the stairs for hours at a time, my knee was on fire from the fall and my ankle ached.
Yesterday I mostly sat around on my butt.