I had been looking forward to a holiday party that was scheduled for last night. Then I cried my makeup off all day long after hearing about the incomprehensible tragedy in Newtown, CT. Why why why? When I picked up Josh from his evening rehearsal I looked aorund and saw that all the mothers had cried their makeup off too. No one said anything because the children were in the hallway.
The cocktail party went on as scheduled, but I couldn't bring myself to wear the festive sparkly shirt I had planned on wearing. I tried on a black shirt, but passed. It wasn't right either. It was too ruffly. Ruffles seemed frivolous and carefree. I went with a jacket over a tank. Which worked. I was goign to a party, but I wanted to be was wrapped up in a blanket. Coverage just felt right.
No one at the cocktail party discussed the news.
It was a little weird. We all had this kind of unspoken understanding. We were goign to dance around the horrible news for the evening. Cocktails helped. I couldn't bring myself to have one but the others did, and it lightened things up. Then we came home and I couldn't put the television on. So I just went to bed. I turned it on this morning, like I always do because I want to see the weather, and I cried for half an hour. So I turned it off.
I took bear bait for a long long walk, but didn't cross paths with any of our dog walking friends. Too bad. I needed the company today.
I won't watch TV news when Josh is around. It is too much. I don't want him to hear or see anything. If I can't comprehend what happened how can he? I told him in a factual kind of way. He says he doesn't have any questions. I wonder what is going to happen when he gets to school on Monday. Other kids might have things to say. Horrible frightening nightmare real things, that actually happened in the real world..
I won't watch TV news tonight either. I can't see the pain without experiencing the pain.
Is gun control the answer?
Is taking care of the people who could do something like this the answer?
How do you even know who has this potential?
Is there an answer?
This is the saddest day.