Today was a tough fasting day. It's my 4th day of eating onlyn fruit and veggies my second of all juice. My tummy is rumbling and rumbling away. It hasn't figured this out yet. Also, I woke up with the headache I've had off and on (but mostly on) for two weeks and I am starting to wonder what is going on with this everlasting headache. I do not like it! Go away!
I'm thinking a lot about food, but not about crappy food. I had a cooking fantasy that involved a whole snapper and also I'm lusting after some turkey I bought for the husband (who is home from the hospital and in so much pain he is moaning in his sleep) and Josh (poor thing getting gypped out of his lake time) to eat. I guess it's a protein thing.
My resolve was weakening today I started thinking that maybe I'd juice fast for only a month or until I lost the first 25 pounds, or something shorter than 60 days. I am hoping that the "feel really good" part of fasting is around the corner for me. I'm specifically hoping that the "feel really good" part of fasting begins tonight or at least tomorrow when I open my eyes. I had a little boost yeaterday when I woke up ridiculously happy. It was a great feeling and I had no idea if I was possibly dreaminga happy dream or where it came from. I'd like to wake up that way every day.
In unrelated news, I went to the bank to cash a refund check from pervert yoda today. I asked the teller if I could take the money straight from his account because I didn't trust him and the teller looked to see if the check was going to bounce and sure enough there were not sufficient funds for the check to clear. I knew it! Next stop: small claims court. What a jerk! I'm so angry with him!