Once, when Matt was a baby I was in Prospect park at dusk with Matt and our best dog ever, Oscar. It was getting so dark that Oscar lost his ball in some tall grass and on our way out baby Matt lost his mitten. The next day brought sleet the entire day. The following day I strapped baby Matt into his stroller, grabbed Oscar's leash and found both the sleet covered mitten and the grass camouflaged ball.
I hate losing things.
Which is why I am currently sitting in utopia stewing over the dehydrated baby turtle and unknown small animal skull that the squirrel stole from my morbid dead things collection last fall. The squirrel did not have his suitcase with him when he finally got trapped in the havahart trap, so I know my junk is in the house somewhere! I want my junk back.
Other than lost item torment we had a lovely memorial day weekend. Yesterday morning I tossed Josh in the car and dragged him to see two different gardens that I thought might have photographing potential. It was a bust, but I am not upset about it since yesterday was a bright and sunny day and I would rather watse a sunny day seeing gardens I don't need to revisit than gardens that I want to shoot. I want to find the shootable gardens on overcast (but not neseccarily hazy) days. I hope the weather gives me what I want this summer! Part of the problem is that lowlight is softer and more enjoyable and most places aren't open and dawn and dusk over the summer since dawn is at 4 AM and dusk at 9 at night.
I hate lying around the house and it drives me completely insane that certain members of this family can sleep until noon. My mantra for the summer is going to be "Get up and go and leave the lazy people behind!" I'm not waiting for them anymore. I will however drag little Josh along with me in an attempt to keep him in both morning person mode and also to keep him off the internet which he is completely pathetically addicted to.