I have three same age as myself friends whose mothers all announced the family one day that they were done. To varying degrees these moms had found themselves care taking and parented out. They opted out of all or most of the day to day mom tasks leaving the families to fend for themselves. The effect of their mothers not mothering anymore varied among my three friends, probably to the extent of their mother's not mothering I think the friend whose mother least mothered was the most affected. I can identify with the mothers who opted out. I'd opt out too if I wouldn't be so guilt ridden over possibly extra screwing up my kids.
I'm really frustrated. I am gearing up to take care of myself in the new year. This means DIET and EXERCISE. The exercise part is easy because I can get that done when the kids are in school, but the diet part is a challenge since I do not want to prepare the copious amounts of red meat my family desires and which I have not eaten for over a year in attempt to avoid gall bladder surgery. But the thing is that I am weighing going pretty much meatless in the new year. I'd just like to take a break from the heavy animal eating. It isn't a philosophical thing, I am not giving up my sweet cozy fleece lined nomad crossing the frozen tundra boots, it's a health thing. I feel like I need to give my digestion a break. I'm feeling kind of crapy lately and I need to do a 180.
Matt came home from college a faux vegan. He eats mostly vegan food at the food coop he eats in at Hipster U. On the one hand he asked to go to the gourmet hamburger place for lunch. On the other hand, he happily okayed the lasagna I offered to make for dinner and at the last minute asked if I could not put meat (despite the fact that my grass fed ground beef was without a doubt a healthier choice than the burger joint mad cow ground beef) on part of the lasagna that he could eat. That is an asshole move. I love my boy, but I wanted to punch his face in when he pulled that.
I need a family that says "Thank you for this healthy prepared with love food" and eats the food no matter what I put down in front of them, while smiling and showing appreciation. That is what I need. I need it today. I need it now. I need my children not to have food preferences or desires. I am not a short order cook. I do not want to be a short order cook. Owning a restaurant is my personal nightmare. The one piece of advice I would give any new mother would be to never let your kids think they have a choice in what you feed them. Eat it or be hungry. That is going to be my post New Year MO. Eat my healthy vegetable based dishes or go without. I guarantee you the husband will be buying his own dinners on his way home from work. I don't care.
Last night we ate at a greek restaurant in Manhattan. (Matt had lamb, I am so reporting him to the Hipster U food coop board!) There was a girl at the next table whose names rhymes with bamanda brox. (no google hits!) She just got out of an Italian prison. You know who I mean? She told the waiter she like meat. She also had red wine. If I just got out of an italian prison I'd only drink california wine. I forgot to see what kind she was drinking. Her table shared a flaming cheese dish. I was insanely jealous because none of our appetizers got set on fire. Bamanda looks exactly like she did on TV during the trial, which makes me truly believe in her innocence. If she wasn't innocent I think she'd be sporting a trampy makeover and galavanting around like a Kardashian being famous for nothing. I had to text lil sis during the meal. Her advice? "Don't say "Go Italia!" Then the boys and the husband started joking around and talking an exaggerated italian accents like Mario and Luigi. Too bad I was so full I couldn't slide underneath the table. I tried to sneak a photo with my phone. I was in a bad position to do that. I didn't want her to know I was the kind of idiot I am who sneaks photos in restaurants and doesn't play it all cool as if I spot people from the news sitting atthe next table every day like a typical New Yorker might. Yeah, I wasn't cool. I was totally excited.