I finally whittled down my dead animal bird section of photos into a manageable number of photos. I have a little series going with birds only! Yippee! Last week my photo teacher/advisor mentioned the possibility of printing up photos and making them into a handmade book This is right up my alley because I am all about the arts and crafts. I came home did some youtube video research and got some good ideas on how I'd like to assemble my hand printed book. The one thing I don't know how to do is to print my photo not centered, which I would need to do. On my way out the door today my teacher/advisor says "Oh, just make a template!" Like Pshaw! It's simple! And I gave her the NOT IN MY TINY LITTLE BAG OF TRICKS face of horror what-in-the -world-are -you-talking-about face. Then I came home, popped the lap top open and found an internet tutorial that was just my speed and now ..... Guess who knows how to make a template? I am trying to be someone who embraces technology. That means I hold my breath and make my attempt while ignoring that voice in my head which screams at me to stop before I erase all technology ever invented. Go template! Go template!
My photo teacher was SHOCKED that my print of the dead robin's wing didn't win an award in the local art center member show. That was nice. I was surprised too, but I don't put too much weight on a juried show anymore. Jurors are not impartial. And I totally didn't get the reasoning behind this juror's choices anyway so I really really didn't care at all. It helped that an older couple at the opening were all over my piece telling me it was the best and completely dissing the juror. It's all good! Once I move to new town I am going to concentrate on venues that sell. I need to sell. I at least have to be able to fund my own work. If I don't start selling, it's going to be "Hello Y@le grad school!" (if they'll have me that is). If I do get something going I might not have to. But I'd still want to go. I love school. I always thought that being a professional student was ideal for me. I would like to teach too. If I got an MFA it would go nice with my MS in education. I could teach any level. Professor Click has a nice ring to it, don't you think?
So getting off of sugar has not been easy. First there were the cravings and then there was the complete unconscious cramming of sweets into my face. Instead of going cold turkey I ended up slashing my sugar intake. Today, aside from a normal amount of fruit the only sugar I had was a piece of bubble gum. I did have some carbs though. I'm thinking of making a no carbs after lunch policy. I'm also considering intermittent fasting with vegetable juice over the summer. I already have a juicer from a million years ago, it's probably older than Matt, and it's still in working order, so I'd only have to stock up on the veggies. I can do that. I don't know why I can't stop thinking that I am going to "start" when the kids are al off to their respective summer adventures. I need to commit. I just can't muster the strength.
My babes are insisting on throwing me a little going away party. I'm on the fence about the whole big party thing. It's hard to be in denial over leaving and slip out the back door unnoticed with a minimum of fanfare when your best girlfriends are stocking up on booze and figuring out the playlist. You know? I'm not sure why people are interested in seeing me cry. Really, moving away, my first born baby leaving the nest, the husband's rapidly declining health, it's all too much to handle at once. You know what I'm saying? Some days I'm just thankful for the momentum that keeps me going. If it weren't for the momentum I suspect I might grind to halt, sink down into the earth, and that would be the end of me.