I developed this new zinging pain down the front of my leg yesterday. It had the feel of sciatica except in the front, so I figured maybe something was pinched. I hobbled (not really, but I am in the mood for exaggeration) into the chiro's office demanding to be repaired and he said my hip was off. That is not my typical. Then he kept touching all of these incredibly painful spots along my leg and told me that I was experiencing pain all along a stress meridian or something. I was like STRESS???? WHAT STRESS? Herp derp.
I am languishing in a week of super duper herculean stress and I don't like it one bit.
Except there were rays of hope all day long yesterday. So I present to you, dear readers, a reader's digest version (unless you tell me you have all day long in which case I can write all day too) of why I can see the light at the end of this stress tunnel in chronological order.
1. AT 10:03 AM I sent my babes a group email requesting they keep their eyes open for more photographic subject matter. (road kill) The subject of the email CHEER ME UP.
2. 10:04 -Wildmom immediately responded that her wonder kitties had presented her with a couple of back yards gifts that I was welcome to. Bonus: They still had heads!
3. 10:06- I was at Wildmom's doorstep accepting box of small dead furry woodland critters.
4. 10:08-Took the critters to my own curb and got completely lost in the process. Really, time stood still, except over an hour passed somehow. It was like meditating only better cause now I have some new photos to work with. Meditating with tangible results you can see on your monitor and print out!
5. Got news from the pricey educational consultant/bully specialist we have in retainer now that Josh will able to participate in school play AND the school has agreed to put him on home instruction for the remainder of the year and I assume stop sending me emails that suggest I am lying or changing my story about the situation in preparation for the law suit they think I am about to file against them. Yippee!!
6. Hilarious new town house current owners, now that their attempt to extort (Evan tells me that extort is not the correct word to use in this situation, but I'm standing by it) more money from us has failed thanks to that pricey new town real estate attorney we have on retainer, had the balls to send email through their realtor asking if we wanted purchase all of their furniture. Seriously?? Bwah ha ha ha ha. (momentarily considered buying the pink nightstands for Evan cause we are so funny funny funny)
7. Husband came through surgery to remove the end of his 5th and 4th metatarsal just fine. Foot doc has declared him healing capable now. Only disappointment there is that he still has ten toes so I can't call him Nueve yet. (Why doesn't my spell check recognize nueve? This is america dammit! Speak spanish spell check!) The foot doc did mention another procedure he'd like to do where he would either shorten or flatten two other bothersome curly toes, so I might have to start calling him something shorter or flatter or curly toed while he is still in possession of all of his digits.
Time to start another day. What could today possibly bring? Besides rain, I mean ......