I spotted a squirrel this morning when I was walking bear bait. I went back for her this evening when the light was right and it turns out that the squirrel was obviously pregnant. It spoiled the moment for me (along with about 144 flies that had found her during the day) and I ended up not really wanting to connect with her enough to find the photos in her. It was just too sad. I kept thinking about how many babies might be inside of her.
A Carolina Wren built a nest outside my kitchen door, and I have been spying on her through the kitchen window. I knew there were three eggs in the nest. Today when I took a little peek I saw that one egg was out of the nest. I wondered what to do. Was the egg out of the nest because it is not viable? Was some egg thieving critter disrupted in the act of stealing the egg? Should I put it back in the nest? Should I discard it? Anyone know anything about this?
Also, does anyone know a way to get the bad smell out of your nose in the case of not fresh road kill? The only thing I know worked for sure was the sauna, but with Josh out of school I am going through sauna withdrawal and have no sauna reuniting plans until I find a new posh club in new town next fall. (Oh yes, sauna is on the not negotiable list when choosing a new posh club) I was thinking those little paper masks (like the chinese wore when bird flu was all the rage) might help int he prevention of odor in the nose lingering syndrome. Anyone?
I'm planning my next print. I am trying to decide between a chipmunk and another bird. I'm leaning towards the chipmunk.
I forgot to tell you guys that I met someone who has inside info on road kill in a town way way down the road from utopia. She said she would hook me up next summer and call me when something good comes in. Road trip! I love it. I'm so freaking excited. I have a wish list. But I'm keeping it to myself. Nothing endangered on there. Promise!
That horrid smell? Vicks Vapo-rub! Just like your mom used to put on your chest when you had a cough. It's best to put it under your nose BEFORE you smell the stuff, but even after it will help.
I used to have to deal with blown up colostomy bags and there is NOTHING as bad as that. And yes, I have smelled long dead animals and I have lived near a rendering plant, but the colostomy bags were far worse.
Sorry if this is TMI but give it a try.
Loving your work, btw.
Will we be able to buy prints someday?
Posted by: Mitzy | May 31, 2011 at 10:35 PM
I will be selling prints once I have enough of the series edited and printed. I am considering an internet store. There are a couple of ways to go, not sure how to do it yet, but once I do, I will absolutely share!
Posted by: clickmom | June 01, 2011 at 06:43 AM