We have been inundated with catalogs lately. I feel the need to browse through every single one before I toss it into the trash. I can't tell you how badly I want to see the actual in the flesh boobs the fit into an N cup bra. In the most heterosexual way possible.
In other news, I finally discovered that there is something I am not entirely uncomfortable with while doing my road/cat kill photo series. One of my photo mates admitted to me that she has a chipmunk electrocuting device in her front yard. She claims they are digging holes all over her foundation or something. I don't quite get her distress. We all have chippies. We all have chippy holes. I think they are cute. Today she offered up a dead by electrocution chippy. I took it, but I haven't photographed it yet because the manner in which it died is not sitting well with me. As often as I call out or type "Swerve for the cause!" I totally don't mean it, which I proved the other day when I screamed like a little girl and almost swerved into oncoming traffic to avoid hitting a bunny.
On the other hand, my other photo mate called to tell me about some very fresh road kill deer she spotted that was 20 minutes away from my house. I grabbed the chance, hopped into sylvia and headed out. And it was awesome. The poor freshly killed bambi even had a pool of blood which had poured out of his nose, which made me sad because I imagined that bambi suffered and didn't die instantly. Don't you stop bleeding as soon as you're dead? It didn't stop me from photographing him, and the blood didn't stop two neighbors from trying to shoot disapproving looks at me from down the block. But the mood lightened when one woman stopped her passing vehicle and asked if I was okay. I told her I didn't hit bambi, only came across him already dead and was taking pictures, and she said she just wanted to make sure I was okay. I'm going to chalk it up to her being super nice and a friend to all living creatures and not as I am finally (duh!) realizing now, going to wonder if by "okay" she meant SANE and NOT A CRAZY PERSON IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD since I was hovering over a young buck in a pool of nose blood taking photos.
Tomorrow Josh, who officially no longer attends school (where bullies roam free) but is able to participate as a narrator in the play he so very badly ever since he was a wee little boy wanted to narrate for has a rehearsal in the morning. My plan is to go to the posh club while he is rehearsal, and leave time for a beloved sauna too. WIth Josh out of school those extended workout/sauna/shower/dress posh clubs outings are not going to happen. Which bums me out a bit because I am sad about leaving the posh club and I had intended on living there for the next month to get my fill before I have to bail for the summer and try to replace it with something as good (could there even be a better?) in new town.
It's raining cats and dogs outside and it just occurred to me that I drove around my sun roof open all day today. Gulp.