Josh and I had a mother son still life painting bonding experience today. I was way more into it than he was. I am totally going to frame his when it dries.
In other news, guess what the topic of tomorrow's PTO meeting at Josh's school is! I just got an email encouraging parents to atttend. It says "Our guest speaker will be Dr. XXXX, Assistant Superintendent. He will be discussing the new Anti-Bullying Legislation."
Talk about timing!
In related news, I faxed a whole bunch of crap over to the educational consultant / bullying expert this morning. His gal friday tells me the whole ordeal was fairly typical as far as people willing to fork over loads of cash to pay a consultant to kick some butt at the school where their kid has been bullied. My latest fantasies involve a baseball bat and the head of select staff members. I gotta ditch the anger.
There is controversy at the hospital as the foot doc does not necessarily agree with the diagnosis of infectious disease specialist. Lord help them, for I am not in the mood for uncertainty right now. You have no idea how hard it is for me to remain diplomatic.