If the floor guy tells you he has a dustless sander,what he really means is that he has a less-dusty sander. I came home to a dust situation late last night. Oh, yay.
Also, if you do redo some floors, either do it during a season when you can keep all of your windows open or leave your house for a much longer time than 24 hours after the last coat goes on. P.U.!
But seriously, now that I have seen the two rooms with brand new fresh floors I feel like maybe I was living in complete squalor before. My floors were in rough condition! I'm partially blaming it on my cleaning dude, who no matter how many times I ask not to swab the decks with his nasty chemical ridden mopping concoction and to please use my earth friendly non toxic option that I have conveniently located underneath the kitchen sink for his damp mopping pleasure, I come home to find pools of chemical stench evaporating off my hardwood floors. When we move to new town I am going to search out a more professional house cleaner.
If you are in the mood to horrify yourself do this. Lie on your kitchen floor and look up at the molding on your kitchen cabinets and you will see that somehow, magically, everything you have ever dropped on the floor has super bounced it's way onto the underside of the details of your kitchen cabinet where you can only see it if you are lying on the floor, but now that you have seen it you feel compelled to scrub it off, and that is why your already dry like the desert hands are now threatening to crack and break if you don't get some serious moisture onto them fast.
Has any one ever removed the vocal chords from their dog? I'm tempted. Some furry woodland creature has undoubtedly made a home for itself in one our neighbor's back yards and bear bait wants everyone to know. I wish I were a cat person right about now.
Speaking of new town, the house hunting is going dismally at best. Every house we see is either postage stamp sized (not an option for my larger than average sized family) or completely weird or a tear down. I was in a house that had a 2 foot wide stair case. Also, it had a shower stall with a glass block wall that only a supermodel could enter without rubbing up against the cold hard glass block. Why people?
Houses are going fast in new town, so I don't even know what to think. I can't be there in a heart beat, and it's too far (an hour and a half) to be there every weekend. Maybe, I told the husband, we should just rent any old dump and then try to find something once we are living there. This was suggested to me from the get go. Originally I scoffed at the idea. If I were already living in new town I could go to every new listing the day it came on the market. The only thing is that this would mean moving twice. I might have a heart attack over moving twice. As it is I am wound so tight over the whole moving thing I could burst a vein. (Is that even an actual saying?)
I got some new lottery tickets today.
When it's really hot, I like to cool down by stretching out on the kitchen floor. I *SO* get what you're saying, ugh, ugh, ugh.
Posted by: Pippa | February 23, 2011 at 08:19 AM