Okay, my last 100 days are going out in somewhat of a fizzle (with the one exception of exercise, naturally.)
Exercise: My legs have now surpassed strong into the freakishly strong category. Case in point: I got on what used to be my total nemesis , the arc trainer, the other day, and decided I would see just how high I could push the resistance before I couldn't do it anymore. Every two minutes I increased the resistance by 5. I figured I'd start in the high side because I didn't have all day. I warmed up at 50, went right to 65 and ended up increasing the stride length too once I got in the 80's resistance until I was at a 7/10 in the stride length and zipping along at 100/100 resistance.
But the wonderful thing was that the next day my knees were unusually pain free, so two days later I went for a redo to see if it was the arc trainer that had indeed blessed me with a grimace free knee day, and I went straight for the high reisitance and long strides and ended up at 100/100 after only 16 or sominutes, so I stayed there until I was at 10/10 for the stride length and I was still zipping right along.
Point? Maxing out wasn't a freak occurrence, I have no where to go on the arc trainer, except for faster. (insert psychic painful cry out loud sound) I guess that could be my next goal. I think what I need to do is start wearing a heart monitor and correlate my speed to some advanced heart rate. My heart rate at the end of max resistance and stride was only in the mid 140's. It used to be that mid 140's would have been considered a goal heart rate for me but I'm pretty sure the new thinking is to ramp that rate up even higher. It's a better fat burner right?
Cleaning: hahaha. I tossed a charity bag of ridiculously small shirts that no longer fit Josh together, but his room is still somewhat (ENTIRELY) buried in stuff. I need to spend a few hours in there. Maybe this weekend? hahaha
Food: with the whole new gall bladder complication here, I have ended up substituting sugars for fats. I've given up red meats and nuts, and my gall bladder is thankful for that. Eating way too much sugar, which scares me for it's ability to feed cancer, my not so secret fear in life. Also, because Josh is gluten free now too, I have all these gluten substitutes in the house, like fake bread, muffins, brownies, pasta, and other crap, and I am all over them. I really need to be dropped in the middle of no where so I can eat things that come from the ground or fall off of trees. Then I'd be healthy.
You are so totally my role model for how you push your body, Click. I increased the resistance on the bike today, and WOW, did I feel it! It's a good feeling, I can completely relate.
Posted by: Pippa | December 05, 2010 at 02:50 AM
The arc trainer? Is that the machine in the gym where it looks like people are doing knee kicks for the Rockettes? I am practically immobilized right now with a swollen nerve in my foot but looking for non-impact workouts I can do that might not bother it. This one sounds like a killer tho! great job ramping up the resistance. You do sound freakishly strong (in a good way, of course).
Posted by: Ishmael | December 05, 2010 at 12:16 PM
Freakishly strong? Sounds pretty awesome to me. BTW, I am thinking my wife may have a gluten intolerance. We are looking into it.
BTW, your other post had a great pic of your boys. Good job!
Posted by: South Beach Steve | December 05, 2010 at 08:32 PM
You know, Steve, a few days without gluten and the shell know if she has an intolerance or not. Sometimes its hard to tell how much better you feel off of gluten and then you reintroduce it and YOU KNOW. Id be happy to discuss. Just shoot me an email.
Posted by: clickmom | December 05, 2010 at 08:36 PM