When Matt was a baby I had this awesome dog named Oscar. Before kids, like every other dog owner who doesn't have a clue what they are saying, I used to joke that Oscar was my baby and preparing me for motherhood. (Like I could toss a bowl if kibble down and go out for the day leaving my kid behind!) Because we were still living in the city back then, Matt and I spent a couple of hours every day walking Oscar, and I always joked that Oscar was Matt's big brother. The first time Matt ever seriously cracked up it was one day in the park when Matt was in an outward facing baby carrier, and Oscar came running towards us with a squeaky toy in his mouth that was squeaking with every dog step he took. Once Matt learned to crawl, he used to pick up his toys in his mouth and crawl around the apartment like that. It was right at that very moment (well, after I grabbed the camera and documented it!) that I knew I had to teach Matt how to be the human.