I paid another shiva call yesterday afternoon. This one was for a friend who lost her father to cancer. The friend kept introducing me to her extended family as "My really good friend who is an awesome photographer." That was nice. And a little surprising. As always I wanted to remove myself and just sit in the corner because I didn't want to say the wrong thing. As I was trying to leave I found myself first next to the widowed stepmother of my friend, and then holding her hand, as she was so in shock that she couldn't stand steady. I said a few things to her. I brushed her cheek. I was uncomfortable. As I finally slid out the door my friend told me how glad I came because she said she had known I would know the exact the right thing to say. And she thanked me. She said she knew it would be good for her step mother to talk with me. I was surprised. I don't think about myself like that.
Last week when I working out with the stretcher I was doing the squat press machine. Thinking that I wasn't pushing hard enough with 140 pounds, between rounds he slid the pin to the 160 pound plate. Just then another one of his clients came over to ask the stretcher a quick question, glanced at me and said "You are my idol" and went on her way. The first thought that went through my head? "She sees me? She notices?" I couldn't believe I wasn't invisible. Also, I never thought about myself as idol material.
Isn't great that the person you put out there is better than you thought? Three cheers to they awesome woman that you are!!
Posted by: Brigitte | December 02, 2010 at 11:36 AM