When I posted my update on Steve's blog last Friday I thought it was about time I spread some encouragement around, so I started clicking away on other people's updates and I discovered Shannon's blog and something she wrote really gave me one of those eye opening light bulb goes off over my head moments. Shannon made herself a weight loss goal, but her weight loss goal was different than wanting to lose weight for a public appearance, like a wedding or reunion, Shannon;s goal was to get to wonderland by her birthday. What was so remarkable to me about this goal was that Shannon made a goal for herself that didn't have anything to do with anyone else. Shannon wasn't out to please a crowd, or make someone proud. The whole thing was about Shannon doing something good for Shannon, by Shannon's own personal special day. Just wow.
This kind of motivation is alien to me.
But I don't want it to be alien to me.
Since my own personal birthday is 3 months away I thought that perhaps I should make a goal for myself to strive for by my birthday. Shannon's goal was to make it to onederland, and that would be a reach for me, but I might just go for it. I would have to be 100% in my eating and my exercise, but ohmygoodnessIwantitsobad. So bad. Consciously. Unconsciously I am a little unstable and maybe even down right nutty, but on the psychological surface I totally OVER being FAT.
To be honest with you, ever since I've been thinking about it, I've wanted to do nothing but eat everything in sight. What I am so scared of remains a mystery to me. So just putting this out there is a big scary deal for me. My new new undead therapist once suggested that I just get to the place that scares me and then I deal with the scary part once I'm there.
I'm sitting here asking myself if I should go for it. Should I get closer to the place where I want to be even though something about arriving there scares me to the (refrigerator) core? Should I take my health seriously, take a deep breath and plunge into weight loss head first?
I think I should.
Absolutely you should!
The opportunity for fulfilling your dream is just so tantalizing! Scary? Yes. An opportunity to learn more about what makes you tick? Definitely, no matter which way this turns.
I read somewhere and I can't find it again, so I can't attribute the quote to the right author, but it went something to the effect of: *NEVER* say no to any opportunity coming your way.
Isn't this going to be a wild ride? Good luck, Click! You know you will keep wondering, and keep reaching, until you do this.
Posted by: Pippa | November 23, 2010 at 12:32 PM
Of course you should go for it!
I know what you mean about it being scary. The closer I got to reaching that goal, the more prone to slip ups I was - which I think was fear taking the form of cravings and laziness. And I hedged putting it out there in public for a while by setting a secondary, easier goal at the same time. But trust me, it's worth it. I'll be cheering you along!
And thanks for the shout out! :)
Posted by: Shannon @ BetterNextTime | November 23, 2010 at 05:01 PM
I think you should go for it! You can do this Click!
Posted by: South Beach Steve | November 24, 2010 at 08:11 PM