Now that we've been back in stepford for an entire day, I had to get back to my bear bait (devil dog) stepford walking routine, which is essentially taking the bait to the only open space within walking distance and letting her free underneath the power lines, while we both stroll along and absorb our government approved dose of electromagnetic radiation for the day.
Later on in the afternoon I noticed what at first glance appeared to be another sticky mass of pine sap on the side of bear bait's head, but upon closer inspection (sniffing) it turned out to be solid human waste. Once again I tethered the bait, and lathered rinsed and repeated all over her head. This time I did it with good old doggy shampoo. I actually didn't mind that much because the skunk funk had started to re-reveal itself on the top of her head, and who wants to nuzzle an adorable but stinking dog head? Not I for sure. Now the bait smells like doggy shampoo. We'll see how long that lasts for. If I have to, I'll bathe her all fall and right into winter. I'm not coping with the funk.
Speaking of coping, I think I might be losing my mind. Or at least have some kind of over tired related mental breakdown. I actually took a nap today. Because I was crying. But not because the bait had rolled in poop, I hadn't discovered that yet, because I am tired right down to my bone marrow. And not because I am eating wrong or something l can pin point, I am so tired because first I had a week of freaked out dreaming, the worst dream of which involved me having to man handle Lindsay Lohan off of one of my kids, who was either a younger version of Josh or Evan, I couldn't tell. Even in my dream I was totally perplexed. Lindsay Lohan? WTF???? Then came an agonizing long weekend of not sleeping due to the husband because of his sleep apnea (won't wear a mask), restless leg syndrome, and nightly bathroom excursions. Are you sick of my complaining about it yet? I'm campaigning for separate bedrooms.
The kids went back to school today. Josh was tired too, and by this evening he was crying and overwhelmed. I think tomorrow morning I'll let him sleep a wee bit later. Luckily the holidays are coming , so they have off from school on Thursday, but not Friday. It's weird being a minority in a place where people are ignorant of ... of .... pretty much anything outside of their own four walls. Very weird.
I did some texting with the stretcher. I have to reestablish my routine. I'm not ready to commit yet. I like the lazy days of summer. I like having an empty calendar. I hate walking up early and it isn't because I am going to take in a hopefully breath taking sunrise. Which, naturally have been happening here, since I am not standing on my own dock camera poised and ready. Mother nature had it out for me this summer. Not on my side at all.