I've been trolling around on the internet looking at homes available in the new town for us. I have a strange new affinity for barn red houses and am completely turned off by anything yellow. I would love to find a nice piece of property with a house that needs some TLC, but the husband doesn't want to do that fixer upper thing again. We've done it two times already. I did see something intriguing on the internet tonight. This house of intrigue is also for rent, which makes me think there might be some big negative that we can't tell yet. I think renting with the intent to buy is good because then you get to see up close just how loved or unloved the house has been. In our first year in stepford the hot water heater exploded, the sump pump died, The old electric stove breathed it's last breath, one bathroom floor began to sag (it wasn't braced from beneath) and it became clear that the previous owner had done much of his own electrical wiring. Fun times you guys! I've asked the husband to do a drive by for me. I might be taking a day trip up to the new town. You know what I need? I need a friend with nothing to do who can tag along.
It wasn't a good eating weekend due to the call from Evan's assistant principal I took Friday afternoon, and my propensity for stress eating. The husband and I will be having an early morning conference with him in the AM. This will go down in the history of Evan as one hell of a big wrong thing to do. I can barely think about it.
Also, I miss my dad more on the holidays.
I did take bear bait for two nice hikes beneath the power lines this weekend, but never made it to the posh club. The truth is yesterday the pain level in my legs was way too high, but today I could have done something, the leg soreness was down to a 3 out of 10 and the ab and chest soreness was tolerable too. I did drive over to the posh club, but I took a phone call and then chatted up a storm once in the club and before I knew it I had to get going and never got to exercise. I'll make up for it tomorrow. Tomorrow is the kick off for the next weight loss contest at the posh club anyway, so it's a good day to get my act together!
Sorry to hear about "the call".
I agree about the "rent to own" on homes. Of course, it is rare to see that, but it would be nice to give a place a trial run for a period of time.
Posted by: South Beach Steve | September 20, 2010 at 07:56 AM