Yesterday, during my marathon day of driving, when I drive 2 hours, much in the opposite direction of utopia, dropping and settling Evan and then turning around and driving three hours to utopia, (which took 4 hours due to a myriad of slow ups because people drive like idiot morons and then they crash!) me and the kids (or kid during the dinner time offense) went thru the drive thru twice. If you are a literal person you can now imagine me sucking up a bigger than any human should be able to drink in one sitting frozen coke. If you are a more imaginative type you can imagine me passed out and drooling on the floor with a 22 ounce frozen coke syringe needle hanging out of my arm vein. Damn. Long time readers will know that once I go down that soda route I have reached my personal bottom of the barrel (again!!).
I felt like total unadulterated crap this morning. The frozen coke is code for "there were other horrible things passing my lips too, and now I am hanging my head in shame embarrassed to tell you all the ugly details". It's all my own fault. I'm only responsible for the first bite. After that my addiction takes over and I am a fiend. Happens the same way every time. I can not take that first bite (or sip).
I draaagggggged my bloated ass and foggy brain out of bed this morning and maaaaaade myself leash up the beast and take her for a run. At first I didn't think me and my brain fog weak from sugar body could do it. But by the time I made it about 3/4 of a mile down the road I had found my stride and I began to interval and by the time I made it back to the house I was feeling much better. If I wasn't feeling pressed for time because I waited to almost lunch to run and also because the baby sitter (anyone remember Jailbait? More gorgeous than ever, and he's back (and legal!) this summer!) stood me up so I left Josh with a friend and also because I can totally outrun the devil, who, by the way gained 4 pounds since Evan started feeding her a few months ago, I could have totally run for longer than 30 minutes. I think I am going to start doing 45 minute runs by myself and if I find them to be no problem I am going to go for my goal, which is 6 1/2 miles around this lake. I can do it. My knees are going to protest, but I'm doing it anyway. Maybe I'll find a place for a massage after. I'm quite positive my knee pain is all about overly tight muscles in the front of my legs.
In the good news department: My Insanity DVD's came today! I was so happy and SHOCKED that they came so fast. Tomorrow morning I am hitting the floor! (back willing- it kind of hurts today. I suspect combination too much driving/used wrong pillow last night/ Josh slept in my bed because I was spooked by the big empty utopian house and he is a blanket hog) Josh and his friend thinks they are joining me in the Insanity Challenge. Wouldn't it be hilarious if by the end of the summer me and four little boys were all totally ripped? I'll settle for just me with the 8 pack and the boys having a good time.
Some day's I force myself to read your blog because I need the shot of guilt straight into my own lazy ass.
It's not the coke that wins...its the rebound point that takes the game.
Posted by: Kristy | July 01, 2010 at 09:22 PM
I think it would be pretty awesome if the boys could stick with Insanity over the summer. Moreso, I think it would be pretty awesome if I could stick to Insanity over the summer. :-)
Posted by: South Beach Steve | July 01, 2010 at 09:51 PM