Yesterday I watched the husband pull out of the driveway and then pull back in about 90 seconds later. I said "Did you forget something?" No, he said he had a flat. They seem to follow him around, the flats, he gets more than his fair share. A spare tire change later and he heads off to work, dropping the vehicle off on the way and calls me later on in the afternoon to let me know that the tire could not be saved. Despite the fact it had a mere 1,900 miles on it, it also had some kind of slash to the side. I told the husband that if he were more pleasant to sleep with then I would not have to sleep walk out side at night and slash his tires. hahahaha. Right?
Later yesterday evening our kid utopian neighbor told me how when he woke up this morning there was a mysterious hole in his ground floor window screen. They were concerned because this was the window that they kept their lap top near.
I, eventually, in retelling these stories to another neighbor, I got myself totally freaked out and I started to imagine some kind of deliverance character putting down his banjo and sneaking onto our properties under the cloak of darkness with a knife (!!!) to cut the husband's tire and to mess up my neighbor's window screen.
Unfortunately Josh witnessed me putting two and two together and he got a little freaky as well. So I said that since last night it was just me and him he could bunk with me. I kind of wanted him close by. I blocked the driveway with my truck, locked every door, put every out side light on, and called the husband who admitted to me that the CHECK TIRE PRESSURE light had been on in the vehicle when he left work the night before and he had ignored it. I hoped he was telling the truth, because of his story I scrapped the idea of sliding a kitchen knife between my mattress and box spring.
I didn't sleep so well. Josh kept brushing his leg up against my leg every so slightly and I kept having to climb back down from the ceiling every time he did that. (Okay, so I can be on the jumpy side) Also, Josh possesses the magic ability to always turn in the one direction which pulls the covers off of me and never in the direction that leaves an inch or two of extra covers on my side of the bed. Also, I am not 100% sure the husband wasn't just saying that to make me feel better and I did not have a knife. Only a signal-less iphone, wicker laundry basket, hair dryer and a toothbrush. MacGyver I am not.
I gave up on trying to sleep around 5:30. Which was kind of okay with me because today was my RUN AROUND THE LAKE DAY! And I figured I could do something to get ready for my run with the extra hour of not being asleep. Like poop maybe, because, as usual, I fear a few things about running. I fear cracking my ankle in a pot hole and having to lie on the side of the road helpless and hoping I don't get run over. I fear having to pee while out there and also I fear needing to poop. Today I got to have a brand spanking new fear, and that is the knife wielding deliverance guy. But I couldn't do anything about him. I could however maximize my chances of not needing a potty.
Originally I was going to run out of here at 7:30. Jailbait, however, had a car door malfunction and was late. I hit the driveway at 8:03, it was already hazy, hot and humid, and set out for my record breaking 6 1/2 mile run.
I did not run for 6 1/2 miles folks. When I got home I checked the map because in a couple of spots that I am not quite so familiar with I had the choice of roads to take and in both instances I unintentionally chose the longer route. I ran for 7.2 miles today. Oh yes I did. Now where is my parade?
It was rough though. Once I got past four miles, my previous record, I was feeling tired. so I drank some juice I had with me (because I forgot to buy a sports drink). I also drank the bottle of water I had clipped to my dorky runners belt, but man was I loving that beverage holding belt today! Right at the four mile mark, when all I wanted to see was the levelness of the last 2 miles, came a looooong steady incline and I thought it might just do me in. By the time I got to the top I cold only look straight down at the ground ahead of me and tell myself "Just keep falling forward" over and over again, as a matter of fact, that was my mantra for the whole climb. Once I got to the last 2 miles, not realizing I had gone almost a whole extra mile, I had to do a lot of pep talking, and I did. I couldn't distract myself from the tiredness anymore, what was tired, interestingly enough was not my legs or hips, they felt strong, what was tired was my back. I felt like I wanted to slump over, like I couldn't hold myself up anymore, so I focused on having good form despite the tiredness. I hoped my neighbors were outside as I ran the last 1/4 mile but they weren't. I was all prepared to give them a big smile and tell them I couldn't stop yet! So I had to call everyone and tell them what I did when I got home.
I'm sore and stiff, I've been stretching and stretching my legs, but every time I sit still they knot right back up. Then I look like I'm 98 when I try to walk again. There is a mineral salt bath in my very immediate future, and also a self inflicted deep tissue thigh massage. I'm really glad that I did it and that I did it so early in the summer. Depending on how I recover form this, I just might do it another time or two before the end of the summer.
Yay me!
Just for today I will be unafraid. Especially I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful,and to believe that as I give to the world, so the world will give to me.
Posted by: coach suitcase | July 17, 2010 at 04:00 AM
The good thing is that with your athleticism, you could likely outrun the knife wielding, banjo playing deliverance guy.
Posted by: South Beach Steve | July 17, 2010 at 09:51 AM
Yay You!
Posted by: The Editor | July 18, 2010 at 07:21 AM