Is it just me or does the new KFC doubledown seem incredibly ....... wrong. Seriously, at this rate America, we will all end up throwing clots and dropping dead in our tracks long before we are eligible for social security. Don't go there people, say NO to the doubledown, just do yourself a favor and do not go there.
I spent most of the day gathering Evan's life's photos for a little photo montage to show on his big day. I loved the kid when I woke up this morning but now I love him even more. I pretty much laughed myself silly all day. This child has been making the same ridiculous faces (and the same gangsta hand gestures) forever. Also, COSTUMES! Prepare to see costumes. When I finish the montage I'll figure out how to get it on youtube. Then I'll figure out how to get it on my website. That's what I have kids for, you know, in house technical assistance.
My back was aching again today. I got up, put on my workout clothes as usual but then I got sidetracked from my running plans by the 44 degree temperature. My knees say NO NO NO to running in the cold, so I figured I'd wait for the 50's to hit, but then I sat down and my back yelled NO NO NO when I got up and in the end I took another day off. Now, I am going to be honest here and remind you that even if all 13 of my readers did not show up on my stats I would still feel required to run if I had only typed in my intentions last night. So, since I took this weekend completely off (I didn't even walk the dog today) I plan on having lots of energy tomorrow and I am going to head straight for the stair mill and plan on climbing for an hour before I do some weights on my own. Okay, now I feel better having put that in print. I know I will get it done. Despite my lack of exercise, I did manage to eat well this weekend. I really want to feel good next weekend so I am all over the good clean food this week.