Situation: We are in the truck going over to join the family of one of Evan's camp friends for his communities holiday bbq dinner. Just like us, the other family happens to have a summer house not far from utopia.
The hitch: We have been invited to our favorite utopian friend's house for a bonfire and would way rather be at our own lake with this friends and her other guests.
me: Evan, we have to eat with them but when you are done the signal to go will be you telling me so the other mom can hear that your stomach doesn't feel good, and then I'll say "You know, he didn't eat much lunch today, I better bring him home."
evan: Okay, and if I want to stay and Matt wants to leave Matt can say "Mom, I think my genital herpes is flaring up."
Posted by: Kristy | May 24, 2009 at 04:45 AM
I tried to comment and say it could have been Viagra he was complaining
Posted by: Molly | May 25, 2009 at 05:21 PM
oh, it let me this time! good.
Posted by: Molly | May 25, 2009 at 05:22 PM
I yay this quite often about each of your kids. It's now Evan'sturn again. I HEART Evan!!! That kid always makes me laugh!
Posted by: Laura | May 26, 2009 at 01:41 PM
When Evan is with his friends (my observation from his birthday party) they say "Evan! Do something funny!" and then they all stare at him and wait. It's interesting to me because Matt got very entertaining at this age too, but in an entirely not so extreme border line inappropriate way. Evan, he was born pushing that envelope.
Posted by: clickmom | May 26, 2009 at 02:12 PM
Yeah! Nothing clears a table quicker than a genital herpes announcement!
Posted by: apathy lounge | May 27, 2009 at 10:09 AM