So, I'm still going to the chiro all the time for this ankle (going on two months now) of mine. I have to admit that it does feel the tiniest incrementally better week after week and the chiro does like to remind me that I have not even for a day (but I do think there was one day right in the beginning) stayed of off my severely sprained ankle during the past almost two months, but right about now I very badly need a break from the chiro. I'm at that point where I want to wring his neck when I can hear him chit chatting with another patient in the next room and I am waiting for him. And sometimes I have to fake polite because DAMMIT he isn't as miraculous as I very spastically need him to be.
Although, I do have admit that in the last almost two months the chiro has attended to things other than my ankle. There was my mysterious vibrating bosom, for example. One day while sitting quietly in my car I got the distinct impression that my cell phone was vibrating from inside my right boob. Stop laughing at me! It was scary! Then I realized that the non cell phone induced boob vibration happened on the inhale. So I had all sorts of lung related panic going on. I made an appt with the good doc. Then I got the mail and I kid you not there was a giant postcard from a distant hospital that said "Lung cancer is curable" in two inch big font across the front, and that is not a good thing to send to a girl who has hypochondria believes in omens and happens to have a vibrating right breast with each breath she takes. But fortunately I had an appt with the chiro later that day for my ankle and when I asked him if ever cured tit-rattle he did some checking and told me that my ribs were off and my diaphragm was locked. He did something to them and I have been still breasted since. Whew!
Also I told him that my stomach has been upset for days. At first he thought it had something to do with a chakra (I have no idea what that means) and he told me (swear to god) to wear a yellow shirt.
But you know I did it because it couldn't hurt right? The thing is is I prefer colors like black, and faded black, occasionally brown and also very dark gray. Yellow? Not so much. It's totally a New York thing, do not for one second think that Sex In The City got it right. New Yorkers are the dreariest dressed people on the planet. Don't even try to argue that with me.
I did happen to have two yellow shirts, (one I had to take back from the pile 'o stuff for charity) which were pretty much unworn, since they are not black, and I did wear LOOK AT ME! them, and if you must know LOOK ! I felt like big yellow neon sign the entire day LOOK AT MY BRIGHT YELLOW SHIRT! and wondered if maybe I could perhaps wear a yellow accessory, such as a tiny yellow bead, but in the end I stopped by Marshalls and now I have two more yellow shirts (the others were either too big or too short) and they WOO HOO! OVER HERE! make me feel self conscious even though the neck line isn't so stretched out my bra is visible and the hem isn't so short my lower jelly roll is out on full display.
But I went back today and told chiro that the yellow shirt isn't helping and he changed his tune and decided that I need to take some digestive enzymes which he happens to sell right in his very office. How $$$ thoughtfully $$$ convenient $$$.
Before I left today I asked him how much longer he estimated until my ankle issues were a thing of the past. he said he thought maybe I'd be full speed in another month. Jeeeeeez.
Blogs are good for every one where we get lots of information for any topics nice job keep it up !!!
Posted by: dissertation topic | May 15, 2009 at 01:34 AM
tit-rattle, baaahaaaahaaaa!! So glad you got that fixed. Sorry you had to wear the yellow shirt though. I agree about the $$$enzymes$$$, isn't that handy?
Posted by: Molly | May 16, 2009 at 01:53 PM