Because being me totally rocks, I seem to have developed some kind of sensitivity or allergy or something to the ingredients in all the deodorants that work. What happens is that my pits get itchy and eventually I wake up in the morning having slept clawed away at my pit area all night long and I have long red bleeding lovely scratches all around. Then I have to go without any odor protection for 4 or 5 days while I heal and de-itch and then I try another brand. And the pattern seems to be no itchiness goes hand in hand with no odor protection, some of these products are worse than wearing nothing because at the end of the day I smell like pit and perfume. Today I tried yet another new brand (after almost passing out from the scent of myself the last few non-itchy days) and I thought when I put it on it smelled familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on what the familiar scent was, and then it hit me! It smells like the husbands shaving cream! And that was kind of weird to have smooth man cheek smelling pits, and every time I lifted my arm today I thought the husband was sneaking up behind me. But no such luck, however, the good news is that it's been 15 hours since my morning shower and I might still be fresh as a daisy. That said it was also 53 degrees cold and rainy today and I didn't even come close to breaking a sweat at any given moment, but still, I am a glass half full gal and I have high hopes for the shaving cream scented brand.
There is a guy I know that I think must be allergic to deodorant. Blech.
Posted by: danelle | May 05, 2009 at 11:56 PM
I'm trying very hard NOT to be that guy!
Posted by: clickmom | May 06, 2009 at 07:13 AM
yeah i've got that same problem... allergic to deodorants. i eventually found michellem (sp?) seems to work. i still pit out at times but well i guess that's bound to happen. what kind are you using now that works?
Posted by: Stacia | May 06, 2009 at 10:37 AM
How about the organic brands? Like Tom's Of Maine or Burt's Bee's?
There's also:
Bubble and Bee "Pit Putty" - I kid you not that's what it's called:
Good luck with the one you have. If it doesn't work, try these.
Posted by: Laura | May 06, 2009 at 06:09 PM
A few years ago I got what is so nastily known as "jock itch" or "athelete's foot" in one pit after using a swim towel after my son's friends(unknowingly of course). I finally figured out what it was and used one of those creams that gets rid of it. I used a scentless deodorant(not antiperpirant) made of the same salts as "the crystal" deodorant rock thingie. If you end up trying a gazillion different things, try the foot funk cream in case its a fungus.
Posted by: Molly | May 06, 2009 at 06:50 PM