It was Evan who helped Josh with his sentences the other day. Fine wine? Country mansion?? That is completely Evan. So is private jet, yacht and house hold staff. Hopefully the recession won't last too long. Evan is growing p fast.
It was also Evan (along with Matt) who named some of my photos for me today. Matt went with names that were reminiscent of his favorite bands or childhood movies, like Fox and The Hound. I was framing the prints up for my upcoming show (Clap, Jump and Squeeeaaaal!!) , and I have to write out a price list and I kind of need names for my photos.
Evan pitched in with the naming too. I suggested the boys use the thesaurus and find some interesting obscure poetic sounding words to give the photos an edgy mysterious intellectual aura. Evan, on the other hand, had his own ideas, he named one print Pimp Staff of Rah, one was Elephant Graveyard, and along those lines one was named MooFasa (his spelling, not mine). Evan was also excited about the print he named "Sheniqua" and also thought the follow up name of "Sheniqua's Lipstick" for the bright pink sunset shot was a real ace name. Then Evan got the brilliant idea of naming prints after the whole crew of the altered imagination due to ingestion of certain magical fungi known which is also known as the kid's show, Backyardigans. So the next few prints I frame up are likely to be assigned the titles of Uniqua, Tyrone, Austin, Tasha and Pablo.
Luckily, I not only have veto power, but I have the thesaurus too.
I totally thought the fine wine, i retire to my country mansion was a Matt sentence. Guess i was way off base.
Posted by: Laura | March 21, 2009 at 01:32 PM