Dedicated readers want to know: How did the opening go?
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Dedicated readers want to know: How did the opening go?
Posted at 08:37 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
I found a new blog to love (though it's been around and popular for some time-always the last to know over here) and she is MEAN! Or maybe she is just brutally honest, the brutally honest kind that I can only be in my head and I think .... I love her. I am totally not going to link her because linking and me, eh, not a good history there,(and she doesn't care for that bully who spoiled linking for me either!) but if you want to read her she is (again, not a link, type it in yourself)
Posted at 08:44 AM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Dear Matt
Posted at 11:14 AM | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
I went with Matt last weekend to see his high school play. Matt had done behind the scenes work on it, so he was particularly interested in seeing the performance. I was prepared for a good play, as Matt had told me that a good deal of the students were professionally good.
Posted at 10:09 PM | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
This is taken from Josh's teacher's web page:
Posted at 09:47 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
I changed my mind halfway up the stairs today and turned to go back down, but ended up slipping and falling (thud thud thud thud) with my left leg twisted up to the side and behind me.
Pass the advil.
Left ankle and knee: bruised and swollen
Neck- Ooooww
Upper back: ha ha ha ha ha, yeah.
and Oooowww.
Right butt cheek: tender
Lower back: twinging
Overall: How much potato vodka (or maybe gluten free beer) can a girl safely mix with advil?
Tomorrow is hanging day!
Very excited.
Posted at 08:02 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
I live in split level house that was renovated. In the previous attic - now master bedroom floor that has my bedroom on it is a big hall closet at 3 o'clock, my "studio" door at 12 o'clock and my bedroom door at 9 o'clock. So that means my bedroom door faces the big hall closet. When you walk into my bedroom there is a short hallway with closets on both sides and a bathroom before it opens up to the bedroom area.
Posted at 11:10 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
It was Evan who helped Josh with his sentences the other day. Fine wine? Country mansion?? That is completely Evan. So is private jet, yacht and house hold staff. Hopefully the recession won't last too long. Evan is growing p fast.
Posted at 09:33 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Have you seen this totally bad acid trip I'm thinking about becoming a vegan commercial with the ham eating pigs and the one pig says "We're just enjoying the flavors of a fallen friend." WTF folks? I can't even tell you what the commercial is for, but the ham eating pigs just might be enough to push me right over the edge and into some other bizarre kind of parallel alternate universe.
Posted at 10:19 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Yesterday was the dreaded spelling word write a sentence for homework night. All my kids just hate(d) that homework. Last night Josh got a little help from one of his big brothers. Here is the sentence Josh handed in for the word retire.
Posted at 09:51 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)