Do you ever read one of my posts and think to yourself..."geez, that could have been written better than it was."? Yeah, me too. There are two reasons for less than stellar posts. One reason is late night posting. Pretty much if I post after 9PM I am posting while semi conscious. The second reason is because too many damned people are reading here and I feel like I have to censor myself. Okay, I do have to censor myself and I don't like that. It's hard to write about my second or third topic choice.
And speaking of censoring, I joined face book because lil sis was reconnecting with all of these people from her past and I wanted to take a look for some of my old friends too. My SIL and BIL immediately friended me and then I realized I have internet friends up there and if S or BIL go to the internet friends websites and click on my comment, then BAM I am found out. Sheeeet.
So I am sorry if I had to unfriend you. I hope you understand and I hope it wasn't too late. Also, I might not be commenting on your site soon. Just in case.
And if you happen to my SIL or BIL reading here .... I don't even know what to say.
Which has been a problem for me lately, not here, but saying things to other people. I have found myself saying "I don't know what to say." over and over again. The reason I am at a loss for words,well, I guess partly it's me, I'm still spinning in my own little grief whirlwind over here and partly it's me just feeling let down.
I did see a good friend that I never get to see at Whole Foods today. We did not meet on purpose, but we did sit down and have lunch together. During our chat this good friend asked me if I was more sad over grandma than over mom. And I admitted that I am, and I my good friend understood, and it was really quite a relief for someone to assume it like it was 100% understandable and then accept it as completely normal.