A kiwi lost the battle in my fruit bowl and I did not realize it fast enough to prevent a lovely fruit fly infestation. Having a fruit fly infestation can be somewhat frightening when attempting to bring down the wine population of your loving husband's little wine collection. It seems fruit flies like the good stuff too.
After sucking down a cabernet infused fly or two, we decided to consult the internet for a fruit fly solution.
There were gobs of solutions involving rotten fruit bearing traps and lots of patient waiting, but my absolute favorite future serial killer solution was this:
The Hair Dryer Method
Locate the general area of the fruit flies and the nearest plug. Get a hair dryer. Plug in the hair dryer, turn it on (preferably to full heat) and put the back end of the dryer near a hovering fly. It will be sucked in and fried by the hair dryer. This is fun and highly effective! Trying to blow at them with the hot air doesn't work but sucking them in like this does.
Oh yeah baby! Toasted fruit flies!
Things are looking bad for grandma. Grandma went to the wound care center and there are two things they could do to her if she weren't 96 1/2. Being 96 1/2 and having sucky MRSA infected leg circulation makes you pretty much ineligible for just about anything that could save your life or leg because all the best procedures are super invasive and also happen to require general anesthesia. Grandma has been refusing food. The doctor has requested hospice for her. I saw it coming, I knew t was a possibility but that doesn't make it any easier to swallow. I have to remind myself that the person I am going to see tomorrow may or may not have any shred of grandma left in her. sigh. I wish she didn't have to suffer so much.
If you still have fruit flies, I have a magic solution. We had an infestation two years ago and this little gadget did the trick. I have reccomended it to others and they all report great results.
Posted by: danelle | August 11, 2008 at 01:47 PM